Chapter 9

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'Got a hangover, dinner?'

He grinned remembering his stupid comment last night and then he remembered what he did after that. But then his memory became fuzzy and he could not remember anything more than sitting in the chair. Somehow he ended up in his quarters, in his bed. When he questioned Ariella about what happened she shrugged and avoided the conversation. Regardless, he was grateful that he was in his bed when the slave keeper woke, he knew that if he was found outside his quarters after dark without permission he would receive a whipping.

He was brushing one of the horses when she walked into the stables.

'I hope you are taking good care of my Dexter.'

Zane looked at her as she rubbed the nose of the horse, he quietly vibrated as he breathed out like he was saying hello to her. Ariella began to prep the horse for taking him out. The slave keeper walked past the stable doors.

'Keeper.' she called.

'My lady.' he bowed as he approached.

'I require a slave to help me with cleaning the filtration system.'

'Of course, I will find one suitable.'

She gestured to Zane stating that he would be more than suitable. This filled Zane with a great deal of hope, out on the land, away from the keeper, alone with her.

'Prep another horse.'

He nodded with a smirk and a slight bow, appeasing the keepers mind. He knew the keeper thought of him as trouble and would worry about Ariella out there alone with him. The keeper watched Zane move to another horse to prep it.

'My lady, I must advise against this human.'

'Fear not keeper. I am stronger than any human.'

'Of course my lady but this one, I have seen the way he looks at you, forgive me for my forwardness, but I think it would be unwise to be alone with him.'

She grinned slightly, she knew it was unwise to be alone with him, but it would not be her that would come out of it harmed.

'Very well keeper, send a second slave as a deterrent.'

The keeper was happy, he bowed and left the stables to find another slave to go with them.

'Don't you trust me?'

His breath was heavy on her neck, lowering to place little kisses against the soft, delicate skin. The smell of her perfume filled him, sending his mind into overdrive. It was a glorious smell of things that smelled like the flowers in the garden. He had no clue what it was that she was wearing except that she smelled amazing.

'It is not me that does not trust you.' she turned around and looked at him. 'I know that the very second you tried to attack me, I would break your neck. I fear no human.'

'I would never hurt you.'

She closed her eyes enjoyed his little kisses along her jaw, his warm hand on her neck moving over the crisp white cotton shirt. His other hand found its way along the waistband of her jeans, skimming the edge of her panties. This was the most casual clothing he had seen her in. She pulled back from him as the keeper walked into the stable with another slave. Zane watched Ariella as she climbed onto her horse. She looked like a normal human, all but the fangs. As the keeper warned Zane to behave himself the other slave prepared his horse. The keeper led the other horse and the slave out of the stable.

'Foxy huh?' Ariella grinned at him.


'Your horse, her name is Foxy.'

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