Chapter 21

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Carefully opening the door, Ariella instantly knew what was going on, her mother was in labour.

'Stay here, I'll be back soon.'

Zane nodded, not really wanting to go in there anyway. Ariella ventured to her mother's side, the labour was in full swing, her sibling would be born any minute. Lucas held her hand, helping her through the pain as Flora helped the midwife with the impending delivery. Elston barrelled into the room, seeing what was going on, he opted to join Zane in the corridor. Five minutes later Ariella had another brother but he wasn't the only child to be born, her new brother was followed by two sisters. Three screaming babies and as much as Ariella was happy that there was more family for her to love, the thought of three of them was a little overwhelming. And then she remembered what was growing inside of her, that in a few months' time there would be another screaming child under this roof. Was there only one in there? What if there was more than one? It was highly probable that it would be a multiple birth, vampires quiet often have multiple births. She paled at the thought. After the birth Elston and Zane entered the room, Zane looked at Ariella who held one of the babies in her arms and he knew that he couldn't wait until it was their turn. He couldn't wait until their child came into the world.

Ariella and Zane soon returned to the ball room, finding her family on the exterior of the dance floor, chatting among themselves.


'For what?' his concern was evident.

'To meet my family.'

Zane was about to try to shy away but Ariella was having no part of it.

'Ok. Everyone this is Zane. Zane, this my uncle Zach and his wife Candice, aunt Gabriella and her husband Lester.' Zane politely nods as she gestures to them. 'Uncle Oliver and his partner Camille, aunt Lucy, my grandmother Mae.'

These people stared at him, he wondered if it was the blood that pumped through his veins that was captivating their attention.

'Where's Annabella?'

'On the dance floor with Sammy.'

Ariella turned and saw them dancing away, grinning at each other.

'Are they?'

'Yep.' Zach groaned.

She rolled her eyes with a grin.

'Ok, the woman in the pink dress that is my aunt Annabella, father's side, the man dancing with her is my uncle Sammy, mothers side. Apparently they are a thing.'

Ariella turned back to her family.

'That is just weird.'

'You're not wrong.' Oliver muttered.

'Ariella, where are your parents?' Mae asked.

'Oh well, that is a very interesting question Grandmother.'

She smirked as she saw her parents enter the ballroom, their new additions with them.

'Right there.' she gestured to them.

'Oh my.' Mae whispered with tears slipping out.

'Three?' Oliver gasped.

Lucas nodded with great delight, passing one of the babies to his mother. Zane watched Ariella, so animated as she talked to her family, who obviously meant the world to her. A man approached the group, to which all of the women curtsied and the men bowed, Ariella gestured for Zane to bow also.

'Your highness.' they all murmured.

'Why are you doing that?' he chuckled.

'Formal court Lucian, you know the rules.' Mae said.

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