Chapter 22

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Ariella stared at him, too stunned to speak. His dark hair flicked in the soft wind, tousling about his fair skin. She looked into his eyes, feeling the pain of her past coming back to torment her. Her mind rattled with thoughts, wondering how he got past the guards, why was he here, what did he want? Then her mind hissed, finding total contempt for the man in front of her. Memories of the last few minutes flickered through her mind, Lucian and his nonsense. And now him. What is it? her mind snarled A night for the ex's to return?

'Harvey.' she tried to level her anger. 'How did you get in here?'

'I hitched a ride in with one of the delivery trucks.'

As she tried to move he grabbed her and pushed her against a wall. She could feel the harsh bricks scratch at her skin, the coldness of the night had seeped into the wall. Harvey narrowed his green eyes into Ariella's eyes, thinking that nothing had changed in all the time that they had been apart. He could smell the blood on her breath, he wondered what poor victim had died to feed her heightened blood lust. A blood lust he knew all too well she could not control. But his heart mourned the loss of her love, even if their love was just for a moment. He knew he could not resist her, she was beautiful on the outside even if he thought the inside wasn't to his taste. Harvey could feel the temptation of Ariella all over again, he wondered what it would be like to kiss those lips again. To run his fingers along the soft skin of her neck while whispering his lust filled thoughts in her ear. He had never seen such an intoxicating creature as Ariella and it made the pain all the worse. She had rejected him; he had been kicked out of the estate because she didn't want him here anymore. Now he was living a harsh existence, it was nothing like being here. He thought this was almost luxury by comparison. Harvey's eyes ran over her body, the dress was far too much for him to handle and he didn't want anyone to see his inability to resist her. But he was weak and had to. He had to touch her soft skin, feeling it one last time. As his fingers ran over her neck and down her chest, she crushed her eyes closed. Harvey saw her gulp hard. His fingers scratched over the beads on her dress, the curve of her breasts seemed larger than the last time he was here. Lust began to build as he watched his fingers as they moved to her skin again, tracing a line over her cleavage. Amazing his mind whispered. She flicked his hand away, Harvey looked up into her eyes and saw anger. Pure undiluted anger. His lust for her was gone and now he could match her anger. He remembered why he was here, what she had done to him, how his life had been since she had kicked him out.

'I loved you, I offered to turn for you but you rejected me because I was human.' he hissed at her. 'Now I hear that you've shacked up with one.'

'I rejected you because I didn't love you, not because you're human.'

He ran his fingers over the ruby pendant. Fragments of light reflected off the cuts, the diamonds glinted sending a shiver down his spine. All this time and it was right here in front of him. All this waiting and planning, everything was going perfectly.

'The Heart of the Mordecai Clan.' his voice lowly spoke 'He had one job, get in, get the heart and get out, but of course he got distracted by you and his sister.'

'You should leave before you are discovered.'

He laughed at her cold tone, nothing had changed in ten years. She was still the same ice cold princess she always was. Harvey had tried to gain her affection but he was only ever after one thing. The one thing that sat on her sternum, it was flawless.

It was darker here than anywhere else, an area for a private moment to refresh from the heat of the dance floor. The wind curled around them, soft and sweet with the scent of jasmine lingering through it. Harvey hated the smells from this place. It reminded him of all the times he suffered at her hand. She was a mighty fine distraction. He couldn't keep his eyes off her from the very moment he saw her, but those teeth were hidden behind the mask of her beauty. Time after time she sank them in, feeding from him and he let her. It was all a ruse, an effort to get into the house to find the heart. One pretty little gem that would change the world forever. Every single bite was worth this moment. Glory was a step away. He would bring his people to the top again. And as the one that found the heart, he would be the one that ruled. His mind tingled with anticipation, the wonders that waited for him. Glory and power would be his, all because of the cold stone that lay beneath his fingertips. Victory, how sweet it is.

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