Chapter 4

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Ariella drew closer to the entry to the servant's quarters, hearing giggling, she opened the door. Upon investigation of the quarters she found steam coming from the bathroom, the sound of the women giggling now louder. She slipped through the partially opened door to find the three blondes in the shower and Anthea sat on a dining chair reading a magazine.

'My lady.' she got up from the chair to curtsy.

'What's going on?'

'Uh, they are showering, they have never seen a shower before.'

'Blech.' she said as she scrunched up her nose.

'I agree.' Anthea whispered. 'Apparently they use baths at the farm.'

Anthea leaned closer to Ariella as she continued to whisper. 'And they are virgins.'

'What?' she was shocked. 'Surely this is not true.'

Anthea shrugged at her.

'Well, I asked them how many children they had, they all said none, they were virgins. I too did not believe it, so I had a quick look, they have the farm mark.'

Ariella was suspicious. Virgins had to be bought directly from the farm, no middle man vendors involved. They were expensive and the farm rarely agreed to sell them. As for three of them turning up at the one vendor, this was unheard of. Panic rippled through Ariella, something was wrong. Very wrong. She pulled Anthea out of the room.

'Do not send them to my brother until I have returned. Put them in restraints as soon as they are dressed. I will send a guard for you.'

She nodded at her, a little concerned at her words. Ariella left the servants quarters, finding a guard in the entrance hall.

'Go to Anthea in the servant's quarters, she has three humans with her that I want restrained and watched until I return.'

'Yes my lady.' he bowed and departed down the corridor.

She found her father in his study, grimacing over his paperwork. Or maybe it was because her mother was laying on the lounge complaining about the burden of her life at the moment. Ariella looked at the enormous mound protruding from her mother's body. She was approximately eight months pregnant, though she looked like she was about ten months. Scarlett was huge.

'Father, I need to speak to you most urgently.'

'Of course my child, come in.'

She stepped into the cold room, the wind bellowed through the open glass doors, ruffling the curtains as it passed. The papers on his desk piled high, she looked at them with contempt, that was her future, paperwork.

'What can I help you with?'

'The three blondes, Anthea says that they are virgins.'

'Not possible.' he muttered.

Amid the complaints of something, Ariella heard her mother snort with laughter. Ok, so they all knew it wasn't possible. But she believed Anthea when she said she checked.

'I agree. Anthea said she had a look and their mark is still intact. I am concerned.'

He looked up from his paperwork.

'Did you put a guard with her?'

'I have sent a guard there, yes.'

He smiled as he leaned back in his chair.

'Good. Now let's discuss this with open minds, shall we?'

She quietly sat in a chair opposite him.

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