Chapter 28

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Zane liked his new clothes, for once he felt good about the threads on his body. Lucas had mentioned to him that after the child's birth he should probably go and get some more, that Ariella would be able to help him find them. There was a dress code for the dinner table, and ripped jeans and shirts were not really acceptable. As he changed into one of the outfits that Lucas had made him purchase, he looked at the handmade suit hanging in the robe, the shirt was no longer around, but the suit survived. It was a fond memory for him, the night that his love turned him to save his life. The night that he knew she truly loved him, he meant more to her than the horse. His fingers ran over the material of the jacket, his thoughts wandered back to the conversation with Lucian earlier, there was another ball coming up soon. He grinned at the thought of going to the annual ball, at the thought of rubbing it in Lucian's nose again. He slipped on the new jacket, it felt a little different to the hand made one, the material slightly stiffer, but still a very nice jacket. He liked the thought of another handmade suit, he liked the feel of it, he liked the way that it transformed him from the humble worker into a handsome man.

Zane had been moved out of the slave's quarters now that he and Ariella had become official. He didn't have much to move but to his delight, the plants were now sitting on the patio. An entire section of her robe had been cleared out, to make way for his clothes. Which at the moment consisted of one pair of jeans, the work shirt he never wore, the almost destroyed suit and the items he bought today. Ariella huffed her way into the robe, fresh from the shower she had a towel wrapped around her. The mound peeked out of the gap in the towel, to Zane it was a beautiful reminder of their love. Any day now he thought. As always she struggled to dress, still not used to her changing body. Zane walked over and obligingly helped her as he had done for several weeks now. He knelt before her, lifting her underpants up her legs. When he was done, he kissed her stomach, running his hands over her. It was the most amazing sight he had ever seen. He had always been jealous of the couples within the group when he was living with the humans. Of how they formed relationships even in hard times. Of how they found love and created life. And all he could do was sit back and wait for his turn. He never thought that his turn would be with a vampire, the one creature his kind feared. But it was different now, he didn't fear any vampire. He had become the creature that the humans feared but he didn't see himself as a monster, just lucky. Now he had an eternity with one very beautiful woman.

Dinner that night was pretty quiet, Lucas had not passed on the message from Lucian or even that they had seen him. And of course, there was no way that Zane was going to tell her. The anxiety was building in Zane; he knew that Lucas expected him to give Ariella the ring sooner rather than later. He had no issues with giving it to her, he wanted to marry her, but he wanted it to be a private moment. It was slow going helping Ariella back to their room, the child within was making life difficult for her. Zane helped her down onto the lounge, he looked at that stomach that bulged out from her thin frame, he was sure there was more than one in there.

'You ok?' she frowned at him.


He said it but he didn't believe it, there was a lot of uneasiness going on in his stomach as he flicked off the jacket.

'I have an early birthday present for you. I was going to wait but I was too excited. Plus, Frankie said it might be wise to give it to you now.'

'Frankie?' she frowned 'Why are you conspiring with the staff for my birthday present Zane?'

He grinned as he scratched the back of his head.

'I had to have her help, I had no clue. And I had to be fast, either that or bribe your father to leave your present alone.'

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