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Aiden and Paxton grew quickly and had come to look like so many of the Mordecai's. Big blue eyes and thick brown hair, fair skin and very mercurial little creatures. They liked to work in the yard with their father, they sat beside their mother and watched with serious interest as she played the piano. Aiden would run through the house, forever getting in everyone's way and Paxton would be waiting around corners to jump out and scare the staff. It was a house full of children. The triplets were known as the terrible threesome, Christa, Cate and Cameron were a handful. Added to the mix was Benji, Elston and Natalie's boy who was a quiet child but much like the rest of the children in the house, he had his moments. Moments of tearing through the corridors, yelling and chasing. In the years that had passed Scarlett had another child, a girl they called Eloise who was now walking, always trying to follow Aiden and Paxton.

Aiden and Paxton were always following Zane to their little secret hideaway beyond the woods. It was a special secret that had to be kept from mummy, a special birthday present for her ninetieth birthday. Zane and Ariella took the boys to see Henry on a regular basis, he was still sleeping deeply but they knew he would know they were there. They talked to him, the boys sat on the bed. When their parents weren't watching they would poke him, trying to wake him. They had even jumped on the bed in an effort to wake poppy. But he was in his sleep, his body had been weary from the wedding, he had stayed until midnight and enjoyed the night. He had danced with Ariella and with Mae. He had walked around for quite some time and spoke to many old friends, people he had not seen for many years. By the time midnight had arrived, Henry was ready for another sleep. One that was well earned. Lucas and Oliver had escorted Henry back to the witch and had a very positive conversation with him. The witch gave them hope, hope that there might be a future for Henry. He certainly wouldn't be the same man as he once was, but with time he could return to his home. There would be no more fighting in wars for him if he were to return to the land of the living, the king had ruled that his father was not fit enough. This pleased Ariella, if she had her way there would be no one from her family going to any wars. That's what guards and armies were for. But with the humans under control, there was little threat of a war. Their only issue was the rogues and they were of little concern.

The new residence was almost complete, the time that it had taken to build this was ridiculous. Ariella kept making changes to the plans, the builders getting more and more frustrated, Zane had his work cut out just trying to keep them on the job. Then there was his other secret job, learning about the creatures, getting rid of that noxious weed that had managed to take over the wooded area. He had a team of slaves helping him and by the time her birthday drew close, the woods were ready for their new residents. Lucas was very impressed at the work that had been completed, he frequently wandered through the woods, inspecting the work. Zane had made his way into his father-in-law's good books, something that he knew Ariella desperately craved. The maids kept the children in the main residence when the creatures were brought to the property, Lucas was concerned that the creatures would attack them. Zane didn't understand what he meant by it, until he explained it. Vampire children have an audible heartbeat until they reach the age of eighteen, then it drops to a low beat. He was unsure if they would attack them, he knew that Ariella was able to be around them when she was a child, but that was a very long time ago, they may not be the same creatures any more.

The morning of Ariella's ninetieth birthday Zane was anxious. He knew that Lucas had gone to the other realm to oversee the creature's movement back into this realm. There was a knock at the door, Anthea entered and curtsied.

'Time?' Zane looked at her and she nodded.

'Ok, thank you.'

She curtsied again and left quietly.

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