Chapter 19

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Zane had been shown to a spare bedroom to prepare for the night's festivities. Why he couldn't ready in Ariella's room, he didn't know. But he held his tongue, knowing he wasn't exactly the favourite around the house at the moment. Behave yourself, be a good boy Zane the flowers whispered to him as he left his quarters. Now the words rung through his head, along with some more reminders. Bow to everyone, as a human all of the vampires are considered above you. Be pleasant, smile, don't be rude or condescending. Don't offend anyone with talk of washing your unmentionables in the river or bathing in it either. Just don't talk of anything prior to coming here or anything you've done since coming here. Maybe just don't talk at all.

He had showered in the very elaborate bathroom, the room that housed the toilet was as big as his quarters. The shower was just as big and had the strangest taps he had ever seen. After a few minutes of testing them, he had finally figured out how to make it work. He shook his head with a frown. All he wanted was a shower, turn the knob and water should come out. This looked like it was unnecessary and complicated. Zane scrubbed himself, knowing he was going to be around many people who were the upper crust of the vampire world. He didn't want to seem like the dregs of society or that Ariella might have been slumming it with a slave. Zane knew she would never think that but he didn't want anyone else to think it. When he was done and he smelled of something far more manly than the lavender from Ariella's room, he left the warmth of the bathroom for the robe. His clothes were pressed and hung. Below them was a pair of highly polished black shoes and on the cabinet beside them was a pair of socks, a strip of black material and a red box. Water dripped down his back, soaking into the towel wrapped around his waist as he took the red box, wondering what it contained. His fingers ran over the soft furry texture of the box, lifting it he carefully opened it. Inside was a watch, ticking a soft click as the hand moved its way around the face. Very loudly he sighed, feeling the pain of his life. He knew Ariella would want this as a gift that represented her love, but she had no idea what turmoil it caused. Zane knew what they were, he'd pinched a few of them in his time, sold them onto unscrupulous bandits as payment for food. But as for actually owning one, he had never done that before. Nor did he know how to use one. The little red hand ticked and the two black ones that barely moved, but he knew nothing about what it meant.

Zane dressed quickly, hearing the incessant ticking of the watch. A tormenting sound that reminded him that he was just a stupid human. Now, he was fully dressed, staring at the watch in the box. With a sharp and deep intake of air, he steeled himself and put the watch on. On the underside of the watch, words had been inscribed into metal. You own me, heart, body and soul. He smiled softly at it and slipped the cool metal onto his wrist. It hung loosely and with a few minutes of frowning and moving the little latch, he figured out how to clasp it tight. The gruff deep clearing of a throat sounded by the door. Zane looked at the tall thin man, white wispy hair and pale skin. His fangs seemed so much sharper than Ariella's.

'Lady Ariella requests your presence in her room when you are finished dressing.'

'I'm good to go.' he said cheekily.

He was feeling rather upbeat about it all, he had spent his life in jeans and t-shirts. Now he wore a very expensive handmade suit. More importantly, he wasn't dead. Alive. The word had a very nice tone to it. It meant that what he had done wasn't as bad as he thought. Then again, maybe it had to do with the fact that Ariella was pregnant with his kid. Zane didn't like the thought that his only reason for survival might be because of an unborn child. He ignored the negative thoughts and looked at the man in front of him. The servant frowned and did up Zane's bow tie. He then looked up at Zane's hair, still scruffy.

'Do you know what a brush is?'

His tone was rather uppity, almost like he was looking down on Zane. He didn't care, the man could tell him he was worthless and he would accept it. Zane liked to think he had a choice at biting back at those that sought to bring him down, and ordinarily he would have. But he held his tongue, remembering that he was on very thin ice at the moment. One wrong move and he could lose everything. His mind whispered sweetly to him, like it was another voice in his head. Soft and perfect, the dulcet tones of something unfamiliar. Like the wind was talking to him from beyond the open window. Be the cheeky, lovable man she fell in love with. Zane took the advice from the wind and smirked at the man.

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