#2: To Get Ready!(Shu)

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Sorry about how short chapter 1 was, hopefully, this makes up for it.  I will hopefully have Valt's POV up by Saturday.


I finally snap out of my daze, of staring at Valt in his pajamas, which now I guess is me.  Remembering what Toko said, I start to get ready for school.  I ran back to Valt's room, not wanting to be late.  But I don't think it would really matter as Valt is almost late every day.

I soon realize I have to act like Valt to if I don't want to be questioned.  Luckily for me, I already have the late problem down.  I finally make it to Valt's closet, ripping the door open as soon as I get there.  'WOW', is the only word I got for this.  Valt's closet is a mess, maybe the reason he's late to school every day is that he can't find his clothes in his closet.  No wonder his floor is spotless, all the clutter is in his closet.

After about five minutes I finally find Valt's body warmer, but I can't just wear this alone.  After moving a heavy box I found Valt's trousers crumpled up under it.  Two down, four to go.  I gave up looking through Valt's closet, as it already took seven minutes just to find two article of clothing.  I soon start looking around the room for the rest of his clothes.

I find his headband on his desk next to Valkyrie.  Better remember to grab Valkyrie and his launcher and gear before I go.  I find his socks in a bag on the ground, 'what's with Valt and leaving his clothes all over the room?'

In the next five minutes, I found the rest of Valt's clothes.  Hus gloves where in his history book, 'Why are they there?' and his hoodie, which was mixed in with his blanket.  Finally acquiring all Valt's clothes that took over fifteen minutes to find, I finally head to the bathroom.  But on the way there I bump into Valt's mom.

"Valt, honey you're still not dressed?" Valt's mom asked.  I shake my head no.  Afraid to speak, as of making a mistake and saying the wrong thing.  Valt's mom sighed before replying.

"Hurry up and get dressed, your food is getting cold and you have fifteen minutes."  At that, I run off not even replying back, too worried about the time already knowing it's going to take a long time to get dressed in Valt's clothes.  As soon as I make it to the bathroom door I slam it shut, more focused on getting dressed.  I got dressed faster than I thought I would, but I still got one more thing to do and that is Valt's hair. 

I really don't want to do Valt's hair, there's a reason I don't do anything to my hair and that's because I'm horrible at it.  I could leave Valt's hair down for the day, I mean it looks good down, and it sort of reminds me of my hair.  But then people would question me and I don't think that would be good for me, as I'm trying to avoid getting questioned.

I assume he combs his hair first, before putting it up.  After about a minute of thoroughly combing Valt's hair free of tangles.  I then attempt to put up Valt's hair, but as I suspected, it didn't go according to plan and the headband got tangled in Valt's hair.  After about three more tries I finally got it to sort of looking like Valt's hair.  'I wonder how Valt does this every day?'  But I already spent five minutes in the bathroom and I only got ten minutes left.  So there's no time to ponder. 

I grab Valt's pajamas and run back to his room to put it back in the dirty laundry.  I run to the door ready to make my way downstairs, but before I make it out I remember something.  Valkyrie.  I almost forgot Valkyrie.  I run back to Valt's desk and grab Valkyrie and his launcher and gear.  

I finally make my way downstairs, and head for the kitchen.  As I make my way in the kitchen, I'm soon pushed into a seat by Valt's mom.

"Hurry up and eat Valt.  You only got seven minutes left before you have to go."  As soon as Valt's mom said that a plate was pushed in front of me and a fork was placed in my hand.  Without a second thought, I start to wolf down the plate.  'Maybe acting like Valt for the day won't be so hard.'  As Valt wolfs down his food all the time.

Surprising I finish my food in less than three minutes.  I then get up and run to find Valt's backpack.  After about two minutes, I find his backpack on the couch in the living room.  I grab it and put Valkyrie and it's launcher in it.  

With only two minutes left I quickly grab Valt's backpack and run to the front door where his shoes wait.  I quickly put on his shoes and finally make my way to school.  After all this, I really don't want to get ready again, but luckily for me tomorrow is Saturday and I hopefully don't have to get ready in a rush like today.

I really wished Valt had a watch so I could tell if I was late or not.  I suspect I am, so I start to run to school like Valt does, 'Maybe acting like Valt is really easy.'  But Valt's short legs don't run as fast as mine, how does he keep up with me in our races.

After about five minutes of running, I finally see Beigoma Academy.  As soon as I make it through the gates the first bell rings, but that's not what I got to me.  What gets to me is that as soon as I get to school my body was already there waiting for me.

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