#11: Let's Just Get This Over With

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Shu's POV
"Mr. Aoi is there something wrong?"  The art teacher asked me.
"No, Miss Carbunkle."  I replied, hopping I wasn't in trouble for anything.  One of the reasons I hate art, is just because of the Art teacher her, I never had her, but I swear she hates me.
"Then why aren't you taking your seat?"  Miss Carbunkle asked me the question I've been dreading, I don't know what to say, I guess I could tell her I had amnesia.  Yeah I'll do that, that sounds like something Valt would do anyways.
"I fell out of bed this morning, and hit my head, and I'm a little disoriented, so basically I have amnesia.  And I can't remember where I sit."  I explained to her.
"Well you sit next to David, and Harumi."  She tells me and starts walking to her desk.  I don't know who David or Harumi, is but I heard that Harumi has white hair like me.  And there was only one other person in the room with white hair like me.  So I took a seat next to her and a boy, who I presume is David.
"Ok class, were going to continue on painting..."  I just put me head down and tuned her out.  This is going to be a long seventy minutes.

Valt's POV
I made it to the locker room just as the bell rang, I had P.E. last year, so I don't have to worry about knowing all the rules and stuff, it's basically the same, except you get a different P.E. teacher.  I grab Shu's P.E. clothes that I packed, out of his bag.  But then I realized something, I don't know where Shu's locker is.  I need to put Shu's bag in it.  It took me a while but I finally found it, the lockers had names on them, which made it easier, I put Shu's bag in there, and head towards the gym.
Once I got there, there was already a bunch of people stand in a crowd, in front of a man standing on a crate.
"Shu, you can go sit on that bench over there for the rest of the class." The P.E. teacher stated as he pointed towards a bench. It took me a moment to remember that I'm Shu, once that set in, I walked towards the bench. I sat down, and just closed my eyes and leaned my head against the wall behind me. I'm really tired due to me getting up really early, and going to sleep late, due to homework. I didn't even finish my homework. I guess I'll use this time to catch up on a little sleep.

Hey everyone!
I won't see you guys for awhile I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

This school parts of this story, is based on mine own school, and what it's like.

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