#6: Charles? Charlie?!

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Valt's POV

"Okay class take a page 67 of your homework, and 23 of your tex-,"  our math teacher is giving us instructions right now, but I don't really want to listen.  I can just ask Shu what I missed out on, as he is always on top of it with paying attention.  Except for today, he was acting weird in homeroom, not paying attention, spacing out.  I can't tell if he's trying to act like me, or what.  Speaking of Shu he's kicking my leg right now and giving me a glare, that could kill.  Why he's glaring I have no idea.  That is until I turn to look at him and see what he's holding.

In one hand is the homework I should have out, and even worse it's not even finished.  I totally forgot to finish that.  I was working on it in the school library when this random kid came up to me(I think his name was something like Chad, or maybe Charles, yeah Charles sounds right).  He came up to me and demanded a Bey battle, and me being, basically me, I couldn't refuse.  I went with him to the Bey Park and headed to the stadium. I beat him pretty easily, well everybody seems easy nowadays. I long for a good challenge, like before I came the world champion. But Charles didn't seem to take the loss very well, and before he ran off, he cursed my name and mumbled something under his breath. I look to where he ran but I couldn't see him anywhere, I was going to go after him to give him some advice on his launch, as it could get improved. But before I could do anything, I suddenly got very tired and decided to head home. Once I got home I tiredly ate dinner, took a shower and put on my pajamas before I crashed in my bed, deep asleep. Which is why I never got to finish my math homework Shu's glaring to me about. Before I could explain my story to him. He sighs and pushes his textbook towards me flipped to a page I guess the teacher told us to go on.

I take out Shu's homework that is done and probably has all the right answers, as Shu is always correct. I put my attention back on the teacher, and unwilling start listening to what he has to say. I start writing down the solutions on the board before I yawn unexpectedly. Then it happens again, and again. These yawns seem unstoppable.

Shu's POV

I take notes on the solutions on the board when Valt unexpectedly yawns for no reason. He then yawns again, and then again. I counted 7 yawns for a minute, I put 60 divided by 7 into Valt's calculator. I got 8.5714285714285714285714285714285714285 seconds per yawn. Now that I think about it I do think I know why Valt's yawning so much. Yesterday afternoon I met this kid named Charlie, he wanted a Beybattle, I was reluctant to battle him, as due to my arm, and how the doctor said I could tear a muscle if I moved it too much. But somehow he convinced me, I still don't know how he did it, nor do I remember it. But I battled him, luckily I didn't use that much force in my launch as he seemed weak enough, and my arm was still alright.  Just like I planned he lost, but sure thing that kids is a sore sport. As soon as he lost he stomped his foot, and glared at me. I was getting kind of ticked of at his glare so I asked him, "What's your problem kid?" He didn't respond to my question he just continued to glare. He then mumbled something under his breath that I couldn't hear. I was about to ask him what he said, but he started walking away. I yelled out, "Where are you going?  I'm not done talking to you!" But before I could pursue, I felt a wave of tiredness fall over me. It was enough to bring me to my knees, and not be able to peruse Charlie.

Somehow I made it back to my apartment, I was tempted to just crash into my bed, my body started to unconsciously move to my bedroom.  But I had to remind my self about my homework and do it.  I didn't realize how long I've been out until I checked the clock, it read 7:23 pm.  I just got my homework out and started working on it.  By the time
I was done I was considering just falling asleep right on the couch without changing since I take showers in the morning.  But I still got up and headed to my room, looking at the clock on my way, it read 11:57 pm, boy is it late.  

Now that I remember how much sleep I got last night which was 5 hours and 30 minutes, assuming Valt got up when my alarm went off, I pity him.  He is usually used to getting at least 8 hours of sleep or more. He's probably not used to being in a body with little sleep or energy.  It shows how many times he puts his head down on the table after writing each solution.  Now that I look closer I can see the bags shadowing under my eyes.  I finished writing down the solutions, so I start to make a mental list of the pros and cons of our situation.

We have three classes together today,
Valt's tiredness can keep him from being too energetic and blowing our cover.
We switched bodies,
We don't know how to switch back(yet),
We have one different class together,
We have two different personalities,
We ar...
Before I could finish my list our math teacher went onto another lecture, even though Valt's attempting to sleep right now, I should pay attention so at least one of us knows what's going on in class right now.  But now that I think about it there are more cons than pros in this situation.  And the most worrisome one is that we don't know how to switch back, or even if we will.

Word Count: 1049
Sorry I haven't update in 19 days.  I started school on the 7th and since I have had a lot of homework I haven't gotten around to be able to write.  I was also busy with hosting two girls from Japan for a while so that also took up my time.  But luckily school got canceled for tomorrow, as a hurricane is coming.  So I don't need to do my homework or go to sleep early.

P.S: Sorry if there are major spelling errors or grammar issues.  I'm writing this on my iPad at 10:00 pm.  Please tell me so I can go back a and fix them, thanks.

Valt is the most horrible at remembering names out of the bey-club.

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