#12: Lunch

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Valt's POV

"Hey Shu, wake up."  I hear somebody trying to wake me up, but I'm too tired to get up.  Then somebody shakes me,  but I'm still too tired to get up.
"Hey Shu~,"  Somebody whispers in my ear, I shiver and finally open my eyes, to see who would whisper in my ears like that.  I see my body sitting on the bench smirking at me.  "It's lunch."  At that I get up and start stretching, while heading towards the locker rooms.  "So, I guess you found my locker."  I just nod while yawning.  I grab Shu's bag out of the locker and start heading for the door before Shu grabs my right arm.
At that I winced, Shu took notice and let go of my arm, "Sorry, but did you forget you are in my P.E. clothes still, you need to change out."  At that I nodded and went to go change back.  After changing back, me and Shu headed to the field where the bey club would meet up and eat there.
"Hey Valt, Shu." Honcho called out to us, waving at Shu, and giving me a nod. I was about to reply back to Honcho, before Shu covered my mouth, and beat me to it.
"Hey Honcho. What's going on?" Shu says trying to act like me.
"Nothing. Are you okay? Your sweating." Honcho was right Shu is sweating.
"Nah, I'm fine. I'm just sweating because I ran here. I can't wait to have beybread." Shu gives with a little jump. The others nodded at this, and me and Shu both sat down.
We all had lunch, most of the time, I was just starting at Shu's lunch. Wishing it was mine, I really want beybread right now, but I'm stuck with the food from the cafeteria.  It's not bad, but compared to beybread, beybread is like a 10, and this food is a 5.  Lunch was also very boring nobody talked to me, but I guess that is good as I won't blow the cover.  But it was really boring, I know the rest of the Beyclub is not as comfortable around Shu as I am.  Maybe I should fix that, yeah I'll do that.  That's my next goal for the Beyclub, I will help everyone act normal around Shu again.

Extra (What If Lui and Valt switched. Instead of Valt and Shu?):

Lui's POV

I'm rudely awaken, by people jumping on me, by the feel it feels like there is two of them.  The two of them are in for it.  I sit straight up and look at them, I think I saw the two of them before.  I start growling at them, but they just seemed to laugh at that.

"Your so funny, growling like that.  You sort of look like Lui."  One of the attackers said, which was a girl.  Does this girl really not know who I am?  She must if she knows my name.  I'm about to get up to kick the two out of my room, but before I know it I'm pushed to the ground, by the other attacker, which is a boy.  I don't like beating up little kids, but getting woken up sucks. I try getting up to go punch the boy, but then I realize my feet are tangled up in the blanket and sheets. Once I get untangled I stand up, and lunge at the two of them.
But they just laughed, and jumped off the bed away from me, and run out the door. I stare at where they ran off to, hoping they didn't find my dad. But then I realized that this isn't my room, I was too focused on the two that I didn't pay attention to the room. I let my anger get the best of me and didn't pay attention to the details. Now that I think about it those two are Valt's siblings. Wait if they're here, and this isn't my room then I got to check something. I walk to a desk in the room and grab the phone that's resting on it. I try to open it but I don't know the password. But then I try the Touch ID, and it opens up. I then go to the camera, and put it in selfie mode. Showing up on the phone instead of purple eyes and light blue hair is, hazel eyes, dark blue hair, and red face markings. All the characteristics of Valt Aoi.

Valt's POV

I open my eyes but all I'm met with is a dark, cold room.

I did an extra instead of a head cannon.  So glad I got school off today, due to Election Day.

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