November One-Shot

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Shu's POV

I don't know why art is an elective!  It's so stupid.  There is no reason for it to be there.  It holds no significants to our future.  Unless your going to be an artist, and that's only a couple students.  It's not even fun.  There is nothing fun, about art.  It's boring, and a waste of time. 
But even with all these things against it, I still have to do art.  And do it good, I don't want Valt to get a bad grade just because I hate art.  So here I am painting what ever Valt was painting.  I don't know what he was trying to paint but now he has a painting of a fence.
Stupid art.  Now I have paint all over me, and I have to scrub it off.  This would never happen, if the school didn't have art.  I should write a letter to the school, to ask them to replace the art elective with something better.  Like Beyblading.  Yeah they should have a Beyblading elective.
Luckily I only have five more minutes in this class.  After that I hopefully won't have to worry about this class ever again.

Here is a rant for chapter 11.

Update schedule: Since this is the end of the semester a lot of things are going to be due. Like science fair. So I will need time to write the chapters, as the story is starting to get to important parts.
I was also failing to update on the days. So I will update only once a week, on Saturdays. But don't worry each chapter will range in length from 2000-5000 words.
So here are the dates:
December 8, December 15, December 22, December 29.
And the end of month one shot will come out on December 31.

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