#26: Mom

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Third Person POV

After Shu and Valt got one of the security guards to open the apartment for them, they started plotting on what to tell Shu's mom.

"How about we go, 'Hi mom.  I swapped bodies with Valt, so now I'm stuck in his body with no way back.'"  Valt suggests.

"I don't know Valt.  My mom might think we are trying to prank her."  Shu responded.

"Ugh, this is way harder then it seemed."  Valt groans, while stretching his full length across the couch.  Which barely fits him.

"By the way Shu.  What does your mom look like?  The last time I saw her was when we were really young."  Valt questioned Shu.

"Well she sort of looks like me,".  Shu starts, "It'll be easier to show you a picture."

Shu then brings out his phone, and opens the photos app.  He scrolls for awhile until he finds the photo he was looking for.

"This is what she looks like."  Shu told Valt, while handing him his phone to show Valt the picture.

It showed Shu next to a women with hair just like his.  Her eyes were the same color but more sharper.  She wearied hoop earrings.

"Whoa, your mom is tall."  Valt said noticing the height difference between Shu and his mom.  "I thought you were tall, I guess I was wrong."

"Maybe it's just because your short Valt."  Shu mumbles, Valt didn't notice he was still staring at the photo.

Going to end this short. I want to have a whole other chapter for Shu's mom.

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