#3: To Get Ready!(Valt)

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I finally snap out of my shock, of staring at Shu in his pajamas, which now I guess is me. After a minute of contemplating what to do, I decided to go back to the bedroom. I take a shaky step forward, still not used to how long Shu's legs are compared to mine.

When I finally make it to the bedroom I realized that I left the light on, I move to turn it off but I decided against it. Instead, I head back to Shu's bed and sit on it. I turn my head to look at the alarm clock, it read 5:35 AM. Today was Friday, so I and Shiu had school today, which started at 8:00 AM. Which means from now to then I have two hours and twenty-five minutes to spare.

This is probably the earliest I ever got up on a school day ever. I know I should start getting ready as Shu's apartment is a far ways from school, I started to think of what I got to do to get ready. I know I got to get food soon as I'm hungry. I also have to take a shower (which I do not want to do) as Shu doesn't take showers at night. I also got to get dressed, as I'm sure Shu would not like me walking around in pajamas in his body. After a little more thinking I finally made a list of what I got to do.

Check List

1. Get FOOD! (Priority)

2. Get Dressed

3. Make Bed

4. Pack Bag

5. Grab Spryzen and launcher gear

After making a checklist I decide to get started on it. I look at number one, which is to get food. I soon make my way to the kitchen. I reached for the light switch with my right arm as it's still dark out. But as soon as I lift it I remember it's still injured and lower it. I instead turn on the light with my left hand.

I make my way to the cabinets and open them up and look inside. In the first cabinet, there were pancakes, which I instantly ruled out. I'm a horrible cook and usually carbonize anything I cook. I look in the next cabinet and saw oatmeal. I was considering that but I knew I would do something to mess that up. So I looked in the next cabinet, which had cereal.

Perfect, something that didn't require cooking and was easy to make. I grab the cereal out of the cabinet and grab a bowl. Then I grab a spoon out of the drawer right beneath. I bring both of those items to the kitchen counter. Then I go to grab the last item for my breakfast, the milk.

I walk to the fridge and open it up looking for the milk. But instead of finding regular milk, I find almond milk instead of regular milk. I decide to use the almond milk as dry cereal is disgusting, even thought almond milk is disgusting too. I pour the cereal and milk into the bowl and carry it to the kitchen table.

Surprising the cereal didn't taste that bad considering it had almond milk instead of regular. I carry my bowl and spoon to the sick and consider washing it. I look at the clock on the wall to check the time, 5:45 AM. I still had time to wash the bowl and spoon. After washing the bowl and spoon and putting them on the rack. I go back to the milk jug and cereal box and putting both of them away. One thing off the checklist!

Get FOOD! (Priority) ✓

I move on to the next thing on my checklist, which is to get dressed. I decided to just change instead of taking a shower. As if I get dressed I don't have to see Shu fully naked but in his boxers.

I walk back to Shu's room, the lights still on as I never turned the lights off. I open Shu's closet looking for his clothes. His closet is way cleaner than mine, but I never have time to clean it, as I'm always at school or training. And whenever I'm home I'm eating, sleeping, or doing homework.

It took me a minute to find Shu's clothes instead of five minutes to find mine. I first pull out Shu's white undershirt out of the first drawer. Then his pink dress shirt out of the next drawer. His pants are in the last drawer and his vest, tie, and socks are resting in a box on top of the dresser. I gather up all his clothes and walk to the bathroom.

I was able to get all his clothes on easy except the tie. After struggling with it for five minutes I gave up and went to find Shu's laptop. I opened up a tab a searched, 'How to put on a tie?' A youtube video popped up and I opened it. After watching it, I attempted again to put on a tie, luckily this time I got it. I collect Shu's pajamas and put them in the laundry hamper. I walk back to the bedroom, checking another thing off my checklist.

Get Dressed ✓

I go to the next thing on my checklist which is to make Shu's bed. I usually make my bed every morning so it's only natural for me to do it to Shu's bed. But hears the thing I usually need two arms, to make my bed. But with Shu's hurt right arm it's going to be a lot harder, it was almost impossible to put on Shu's clothes,

After five minutes I finally make Shu's bed. Another thing off the checklist.

Make Bed ✓

I move onto the next thing on my checklist which is to pack Shu's bag. I walk around Shu's apartment looking for his backpack, after about three minutes I finally found it on Shu's desk chair which is where I should have looked first. I grab the bag and head to Shu's bed and sit down. I think about the periods Shu has today. I remember his first period is math, so I have to get his math book. I think his second period is science, so I also have to get his science book. If I remember correctly his third period is P.E. so I have to get his gym clothes. I already know what his fourth period is because I have it, it's social studies. So I also have to grab his history book.

Making a mental note of what to put in Shu's backpack, I head off to find these collected items. I decided to get Shu's gym clothes first as I saw them hanging up in his closet. And they were there when I went to look for them. I threw them on Shu's bed and went to look for the next item on my mental list, which was Shu's math book. After a bit of searching, I found the math book on the coffee table also along with the science book. I carried those back to Shu's room and put them on the bed where the gym clothes were waiting too. Last but not least the history book. I decided to look where it was most likely to be this time than searching the whole apartment. I found the history book where I suspected it, Shu's desk. Grabbing the history book and walking to the bed I grab the rest of the items and put them in Shu's backpack. Finally another thing off the checklist.

Pack Bag ✓

I move onto the final thing on my checklist grabbing Spryzen and it's launcher gear. I personally don't like Spryzen as he controlled Shu and did all these bad things to Shu. But I still have to grab Spryzen as the bey club was meeting after school today, and it would seem weird if Shu didn't have his bey as he never forgets it, so I grab it. I put Spryzen and it's launcher into Shu's backpack. The last thing finally off my checklist.

Grab Spryzen and launcher gear ✓

Now that I got everything done I can finally head to school. I grab Shu's backpack and carry it with me to the front door. I grab Shu's shoes and was about to put them on before I remember something. I left all the lights on in the apartment! I drop Shu's shoes and backpack and run yo Shu's room almost running into a wall, as due to still not being used to being this tall. I turn off the lights with my "left arm" and run to the next room, then the next. I finally turn off all the lights and make my way to the door. I pick up Shu's backpack and slip on his shoes, I then turn off the light by the door and make my way out locking the door on my way out. I decided to walk to school instead of biking, as it would add extra factors that I would not want to deal with. After about thirty minutes of walking, I finally make it to school.

By the time I get there, it's 7:15 AM. This is by far the earliest I have ever been to school for. After about thirty minutes of chilling the first bell rings. I get up from where I'm sitting and start heading to Shu's homeroom which luckily is my homeroom. But before I can head there, I'm met with shock standing there sweating is my body looking at me.

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