Happy Halloween One-Shot!

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Third Person POV

"Hey Valt," Shu called out to Valt, "I got something for you." At that Valt ran over to Shu in less then a second.

"What is it? Is it Beybread?" Valt asked excitedly.

"No it's not Beybread, I ate all my share at breakfast." Shu responds with a sigh.

"WHAT!" Valt screams, but luckily it wasn't as high, as Shu couldn't go as high as Valt. "How could you Shu? I haven't ate Beybread for three weeks, three weeks! Do you know how long that is! I wish I had your cooking skills when we switch bodies, then I could make Beybread. But it wouldn't be as good as my moms. Nobody can make bread as good as my mom." Valt rants on. Shu just looks on annoyed, and takes out a hard candy. He unwraps it, and stands on tiptoes and pops it in Valt's mouth, when he opens it to rant on more.

Valt shocked by the candy put in his mouth, looks down at Shu, when he does he is surprised at what Shu does next.

(What do you think Shu did?)

Shu leans up and kisses Valt, it was short and sweet. When Shu pulls away, both of them were a bright red. Shu trying to be the cool one, takes a deep breath.

"Hope you like the treat." With that Shu walks away. Valt stands there dumbfound for a full minute, before running after Shu.

"Hey What did you mean by treat? Are you talking about the candy, or the kiss?l Valt helps while running after Shu.

Happy Halloween!

This isn't part of the main story, it's just a side story.

I have a schedule for the updates, it's going to be every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and every other Monday. It's going to be short chapters.

So the schedule for the November is: November 1st, November 3rd, November 6th, November 8th, November 10th, November 12th, November 13th, November 15th, November 17th, November 20th, November 22nd, November 24th, November 26th, November 27th, and November 29th.

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