#20: Sleep

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Shu's POV

I walk into my bedroom and head for my bed.  I grab a pillow off of it and walk back to the living room, to the couch.  Valt is still sleeping on it.  Instead of going through all the trouble to wake Valt up, I'll just let him sleep.  I lift up Valt's head and put the pillow underneath it.  I grab the blanket, that is now on the ground and tuck it around Valt.  Even though I know it's a loss cause, due to Valt moving around.  The blankets will probably just fall right off.
I put my hand on Valt's forehead and push back my hair, but I pull away in disgust.  I usually take a shower in the evening.  But since Valt isn't taking one tonight I got to make sure he takes one tomorrow morning.  He's all salty and disgusting, from all the sweating he did today.  I don't want all the sweat to give me pimples.  Even if it's Valt who has to deal with it, (Which he should, because it's his fault he didn't take a shower.).  I don't want my reputation reunited, just because Valt couldn't take a shower.
With that I walk to the door of my apartment and lock it for the night.  I grab the bag Valt packed for me, which was laying right near the door where I left it.  I carry it to my bedroom and throw it on my bed.  I unzip it and look what's inside.  I see Valt's red hoody, his light blue vest, his blue pants, which I'm wearing right now.  I also see the clothes Valt usually wears to go to sleep, so I grab them out and place them on my bed.  I was about to zip close the bag until I remembered that I forgot to grab underwear.  I dig around in the bag, and find a pair of blue boxers at the bottom of the bag.  I put the boxers with Valt's sleepwear, and zip up the bag.  I carry the bag over to my bedroom door, and drop it there, not caring at all. 
I walk back over to my bed and grab the clothes, and head out my door.  I head down the hall and head for the bathroom.  I get in and close the door.  I then turn to the mirror, and let out a big breath.  The whole day then seem to crash into me, at that moment.  All the things that happened, and how some of them seemed unreal.  How this should just be some sick twisted dream.  How I should have a fever right now and be hallucinating this whole darn thing up. 
But I'm not.  I don't have a fever, and I'm not dreaming.  No, I'm wide awake and staring at the reflection of Valt Aoi.  Which should be Shu Kurenai instead.  I sink to the floor leaning against the bathroom door, and lay my head on my knees, which are brought up to my chest.  I try to stop the oncoming headache.
After a few moments it's seemed to have gone away, and I lift my head up.  I feel something slide down my face, and then I remember I'm still wearing Valt's headband.  I take it off, as well as Valt's vest.  I should probably hurry up and take my shower and head to bed.  Maybe I will feel better if I sleep off all this days shocks.  I quickly get undressed throwing all of Valt's day clothes in the dirt hamper, while leaving his headband on the counter top.
At this point I don't care if I'm seeing Valt naked, all I care about is to take a shower and get some much needed rest.  I hop in the shower, and turn the nozzle all the way to hot.  I don't care if the water is burning me, as long as I'm getting clean that's the main thing.  After standing in the water for about two minutes, I turn the water off and get out of the shower. 
I head to the bathroom closet to grab a towel, but I realize that I'm too short to grab a towel, and the stepstool is in the kitchen.  I sigh at my predicament, I just reach into the hamper and grab Valt's old hoodie, and use that to dry off.  I then change into Valt's sleepwear, my hair may still be dripping water, but I don't care.  I try to open the door, but then I remember that I locked it.  I unlocked it, and headed towards my bedroom.  Before I know it I'm on my bed, and in less than a minute I'm already snoozing away.

Word count: 787
Well I'm going to go play some Fortnite now!

Shu has a reputation about his skin.  And how it's always perfect.

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