#18: Dinner Regret

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This is for Saturday and Tuesday, we are back on schedule, next chapter is tomorrow.

Shu's POV

I bend down and pick up the bag Valt packed for me.  I look back up at Valt and see him still laughing.  It's around fourish now, so we should probably head out to my apartment now.  I head to the door and slip into Valt's shoes, and head outside,  slam the door right in Valt's face to get his attention.  It should, it was so loud that the neighbors across the street looked up at me.  A minute later Valt is out the door, closing it lightly unlike me.
We then start walking to my apartment in a silence, it wasn't uncomfortable though, it was actually quite peaceful.  We're halfway there before Valt decides to break the silence.
"What are you cooking for dinner Shu?"  Valt asks me out of the blue.  I never really thought about what was for dinner.  I should probably start thinking though.  Valt looks at me exceptionally, probably awaiting an answer.
"I don't know."  I told him straight.  Not wanting to sugar coat my words.
"Oh ok."  He says back, and we go back to that comfortable silence we were in before.  Before I knew it we were already standing at the entrance of my apartment building.  Valt pushes open the door for me and we walk in, and head to the elevator.  Valt presses the up button.  When the elevator opened we went inside, and I pressed the button for the fourth floor.  When the elevator doors open on the fourth floor me and Valt walked out, and headed for my apartment.  There was moving boxes all along the hallway and door beside my apartment door.  While Valt was getting the keys out for the door, I looked into the apartment next to mine with all the boxes beside it.  The door was open and inside there was two kids with silver hair.  I swear they look familiar.

Charlie's POV

I can't believe we had to move.  Just because we go to a new school we don't have to move.  I liked it where we were last.  The only good reason we are moving is because school is now it's 10 minutes faster to get to school.  Now we have to be cramped in a small apartment versus our old big house.  Well I shouldn't be saying our anymore as it's not actually ours anymore.  Now I'm stuck moving all these heavy boxes in.  I wonder who our new neighbors will be.  I walk back outside to grab another box I look next door, because I heard a sound.  I see the back of two kids walk into our neighbors apartment.  Strange, I thought I saw those two before somewhere.    Weird.

Shu's POV

Valt finally opened the door to my apartment, I don't know what took him so long with the key.  I take off Valt's shoes put his back down by the door after I closed it, and head for the couch.  I fall face first into it, and just lay there for a few minutes.  I feel the couch dip next to me.
"Shu, are you going to cook?"  I hear Valt say, after a while of sitting there.  I sigh, I should probably start cooking, I am hungry too. 
I get up and head towards the kitchen, and open the fridge, I still haven't figured out what I was going to make for dinner tonight.  I guess I could make soup, I have enough ingredients to do so.  I take out some chicken slices, carrots, and celery.  I head over to the cabinet, to grab the chicken broth.  But a problem arises, I'm too short to reach the chicken broth.  I try standing on my tippy-toes but I still don't reach it.  I guess I should call the taller person out to help me. 
I walk back to the living room, only to find Valt passed out on the couch.  There goes the idea of Valt helping me out.  I walk towards the hallway closet and open it.  I grab out a blanket to cover Valt with, then I see out of the corner of my eye, a stepstool.  I never needed it, thanks to my height, but now is a good time to have it.  I grab it out of the closet, and carry it with the blanket back to the kitchen.  I place the stepstool down, and carry the blanket to where Valt is dozing off.  I throw the blanket on Valt, not caring where it went and walk back to the kitchen.
I push the stepstool to where I need it with my foot, I then step up it and grab the chicken broth.  Now that I think about it, this was easier than trying to wake Valt up.  I then grab a big pot from beneath the sink, and fill it with water.  I place it on the stop, and turn on the heat, I then dump in some chicken broth.  I let that boil for a little while, then I add the chicken slices to the pot.  I head into my room and grab my phone and headphones which were sitting on the desk in my room.  I carry them to the kitchen, and take a seat at the table.  I open up youtube and watch some videos for 30 minutes.  After that I cut and added in the carrots and celery to the pot and stir it in.  I turn the heat to low, and walk back to the living room.
Valt was up this time, and he was sniffing the air.  "What did you make Shu?"  Valt asks me, as he starts sitting up, pushing the blanket off him in the process.
"I made chicken soup."  I told him, "Do you want a bowl?"  I asked him.  He nodded rubbing his eyes, my white hair sticking up in many directions.  I head back to the kitchen and grab a bowl out of the lower cabinet, and a big spoon out of the drawer.  I scoop up a good amount of soup and spoon it into the bowl.  I hear the door of the kitchen open, I turn around and find Valt standing there.  I grab a smaller spoon and put it in the bowl, and carry it to the table.  Valt takes a seat, where I placed his bowl of soup.
"Thank's Shu!"  Valt said with a big smile on his face.  I couldn't help but blush at the sight of Valt smiling.  Even if it was my body, just the thought of putting a smile on Valt's face warms my heart up.  I don't think I even deserve this smile from Valt, especially after everything I've done.  I am really lucky that all my friends forgave me, they really shouldn't.  But I can tell that are relationship together will never be the same, before I turned into Red eyes.  "Aren't you going too eat to Shu?"  I'm interrupted by Valt's question.
"Of course."  I told him, as I walked to grab another bowl, and filled it up with whatever soup was left over.  I grab another spoon from the drawer, and carry my bowl over to the table.  I set it down right across from Valt, and take a seat right after I do so.  We eat in silence for, until I see an empty bowl being pushed in front of me.
"Can I have more?"  Valt asks nicely.  I sigh.
"Sorry but I took the last of the soup, I made just enough for the both of us."  I explain to him.
"Aww man.  I was really looking forward to having seconds."  Valt says with a hint of whinnying.  I give a small giggle at how Valt is still the same.

I'm not dead, my cold didn't kill me!

Shu is still guilty about what he did to his friend during his time as Red Eye.

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