#8: Valtryek's Calling

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Charlie's POV

I walk over to the kid named Valt, who raised his hand.  To be honest I don't even know why my fourth-grade teacher wanted me to move up two levels.  I'm not smart, even though my teacher claims I am.  To be honest, I think that teacher is just scared of me, and my sister, and just wanted us out of her class.  I guess I can be intimidating to other people when I got here in the morning, nobody thought I was out of place.  Maybe it's because of how tall I am, I mean I could barely fit in those tiny fourth-grade chairs.

I finally get to where I was told to sit, I take my seat, and look to where Alva is sitting.  She seems nervous, she's been scared of today ever since she heard we would be moving up.  This is our first class of the day, as we had a tour of the school, in the first block, instead of heading to our first classes. The kid I'm sitting next to is weird, I think his name is Valt.
He has these weird red markings on his face, and he wears a headband. I don't know what to think of that, usually only girls wear headbands. He is also holding a Beyblade, right now and it seems he is in a conversation with it.  If that doesn't speaks weird I don't know what does.

Shu's POV
This Charlie kid  keeps looking at me and it's making me nervous, to top it off Valtryek's trying to communicate with me.  Well,l I at least think it's Valtryek, I never heard Valtryek's voice so I don't know if it's Valtryek.  But if it is Valtryek, it's not calling for Valt's name but mine.  I finally got tired of Valtryek calling my name, and pull the bey out. 
I stare at it for a couple of seconds, then under my breath, I whisper, "What?".  Valtryek gleams, but it just continues to call my name out in my mind. 
Wait did Valtryek just say Valt? 
Valtryek did it again, it called out to Valt.
I was so invested in Valtryek, that I didn't realize it was time to pick partners for the lab, I search around the room for Valt, and when I finally found him he was talking to Rantaro.  Great, Valt probably blew our cover, going over and being Rantaro's partner, as I would never be his partner for a science lab, no offense to him though.  Valt then walks up to me, with a smile on his face, I glare at him, and he seems taken back.  Valt then slides into the chair right next to me, his smile back on his face.  "Hey lab partner,". Valt says to me while jabbing his elbow at me.  I just sigh at that.

Third Person POV
After brief directions from the science teacher, the students were allowed to get to work.  The teacher was letting the students use their phones to do research on.  "Hey, Valt did you bring my phone?"  Shu states, in a whisper like voice, as to not to alert his classmates.  Who would see this as Valt calling Shu himself. 
"Oh no, I totally forgot this morning with getting ready, and with all the shock."  Valt whispers back.  "Why, do you need your phone anyways?  We can do our research on the laptops in the back of the room."
"Yeah, we can use the laptops in the back.  I was just expecting a text from someone, but I guess it can wait till later."  Shu replies, walking to the back of the room to grab a laptop.
"Who were you expecting a text from?"  Valt asks following Shu to the back of the classroom, not dropping the topic.
"Just someone I was going to train with this afternoon, but I don't think it's a big deal if I don't have my phone,"  Shu states not caring about the topic anymore, but more on their science lab.  "Anyways, let's just forget about the whole text thing and get to work."  Valt decides to drop the topic at that.  They walk back to their desks and Valt focuses on what was on the desk Shu was using.
It was his bey Valtyrek.  Valt was about to ask why his precious bey was out in the open where anyone could grab it, and steal it as they pleased.  It was the bey that won the Bladers Cup after all.  But before Valt asked any questions Shu picked up Valtryek and put it in the bag he was using. He then opens up the laptop and starts searching stuff up. But it wasn't about their science project it was about body swapping. Valt noticing what Shu was searching, leans over Shu's shoulder to get a better view.  Shu pulled up a page, about a person who experienced body swapping and his story.  The two were scanning through the article until a person comes up behind them and puts their hand on Shu's other shoulder.
"Hey Valt," the person was Rantaro, "I was kind of surprised that you were going to work with Shu today Valt.  Any reason?"
Shu not wanting Rantaro to know what they were looking at, closes the computer then turns to face Rantaro.  "No real reason just wanted to discuss something with V-Shu," Shu replies, almost saying Valt's name instead of his.  Rantaro seems satisfied with that answer turning away, but only to turn back around.
"Oh, I almost forgot," Rantaro states, before leaning down like Valt on Shu's shoulder and whispers something in his ear.  When Rantaro moves away Shu's face was red, like his body's eyes.  Rantaro then smirks, waves and walks away.  Valt seeing Shu blushing, wants to know what Rantaro said to Shu.  But to Valt's displeasure, Shu just shakes his head and reopens the laptop.  Valt then decides to poke Shu in the back, and he has an advantage.  Toko and Nika like to poke Valt in the back, as that is the easy way they can harm him.  Throughout there times of poking Valt, they found a place, where, if they poked him there he would shiver.
Valt knows where that spot is and decides to see if Shu will finally tell him after poking him there repeatedly.  Shu has enough of it and tells Valt, "I will tell you at recess."  At that Valt stops poking and joins Shu in reading the article.

I'm back!  I also watched all of season 2 of Beyblade Burst with the English dub, and I got to say the ending is amazing.

Valt has this very sensitive spot on his back, that when touched he shivers.

Hopefully, Shu doesn't use that in the future. *Wink* *Wink*

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