The Next Morning

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My eyes squinted in an attempt to fully open unfortunately the rays from the sun was blinding.  Slowly sitting up, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed letting the blanket fall as my entire body felt the warmth of the sun light beam through the big glass windows.

Well this is new?  I stared at every pectoral muscle, down to my sweaty abdomen. The tiny hairs going down from my navel were clearly visible as I was completely naked. Now I don't mind sleeping naked but if waking up in an unfamiliar room naked than I have something to be worried about.

Suddenly my eyes shifted to the other half of the bed revealing a woman with brown hair.  Crap. I'm getting married in less than a month, have a pregnant fiancé and now this. While I continued to scold myself, I quickly threw on my clothes which is in need of a good ironing.

Fuck what the hell happened last night?  I questioned myself. Until I saw drops of blood on the sheets and on the rug.  No! I couldn't have? Fucking hell I did! A virgin! Why the hell would a virgin loose her virginity at a one-night stand.

Pacing back and forth and trying to come up with an excused.  It felt wrong to leave her here but I didn't want to be here when she wakes up.  I didn't want to be the one to explain to her that she is no longer a virgin and I had taken it despite her refusal.  Wait, did she even refuse, did I take her by force, holy shit did I rape her?

Shit, a motherfucking virgin.  I cursed myself which that keeps popping in my mind.  My mind is in a complete disarray.  If only I could recall of last night's events.

Back in high school I remember having rules and one of them was never fuck a virgin.  They just bring a whole lot of drama and can get very clingy. Roaming her sleeping figure, my mind couldn't fathom the fact that I had slept with another woman other than my future wife.  And to think I frown upon being unfaithful.

Images then started flashing through my head.  Soft skin, flesh on flesh, the moaning and groaning.  Fuck I can't believe I had sex with a stranger. And a virgin non the less.  And what's worse it felt like it could've been the best sex ever but regrettably I was too drunk too even remember what the actual fuck happen?

The woman shifted in her sleep.  Her hair plastered all over her face.  Just before making a hasty exit I needed to know who this woman is that I would have slept with.  She must be something else because in my right state of mine I would never have thought about just having a one-night stand.   Sure, I had fuck other girls back in high school but we were in an actually relationship. 

Creeping up to her side of the bed, my fingers lightly brushed her hair away revealing a beauty right before my eyes.

Now Dana is sinfully beautiful no one can top her but this woman before me, she holds a different kind of beauty that is indescribable.

My thoughts now interrupted by the woman making soft groans.  Shit. Before she could even wake up, I found myself gently fixing her blanket first before heading out the door and towards my car but double shit where the hell is my car? 

Pulling out my cell out I saw I had 38 miss calls from Dana, 12 text messages and 9 voice mails.  Well where do you start if you start your day next to a woman whose name you don't even know and wake up in a hotel room.  Not to mention finding out you just took her virginity. You start from the beginning.

So here I was at the bar I went to yesterday and there it was my car.  Getting in my car I slowly put it in drive and headed home where I would have to face her and her family.

Dialing Dana's number, she answered on the first ring.  "Where the hell have you been?"


"Don't babe me.  I have been calling you since yesterday. Who were you with?  Was it a woman? Are you already cheating on me, your pregnant future wife?  Michael!" Her voice though it should be soothing to my ears, it was more like a shriek.  Not like the voice I had played over and over again in my head from last night.  Did it belong to her?  The woman I left back in the hotel room?

"What no, woman."  I hesitated a bit hoping she wouldn't catch on to my lie.  Course she couldn't know.

"Then why the hell did you hung up on me last night and I could've sworn I heard a woman's voice in the background.  Michael! You better have some good explanation?"

"I got drunk, took a cab and ended up in a hotel room."

"Is that all?  Because I know you weren't alone."  I could almost see her snarl.

"You must've heard the TV."

"Your parents are here preparing for our wedding rehearsal."  Shortly after being satisfied with my answer she quickly changed the subject.  "You didn't forget, did you?"

Shit I totally forgot.  "I'm on my way home."

"Good you better be, you got a lot of explaining to do."  She spoke in her deadly voice.

It was a long drive when I finally reach my home.  The first thing I did was strip naked to take a shower when I notice all the hickeys and scratches on my chest and back.

Fuck!  I cursed underneath my breath. Dana can't know.  Guess that means no sex till this whole thing disappears.  I had to wash all traces of sex left on me.

Getting in the shower I started to soap my body when her face appeared in my mind.  My one-night stand. Just the thought of her pouty mouth got my dick standing up. Grabbing my shaft I began to stroke it hard and fast while my thoughts were filled with this innocent beauty.

While my other hand held the wall for support.  My forehead leaned against the wall as my eyes closed itself.  Gasping for air as I continued to jack off to a face I probably won't ever see again.  If so why does she still plague my mind.

My breathing now ragged as I cum splattering it all over the shower wall.  And if I knew her name I'm sure it'd be the first thing I will moan. Shit I'm totally fucking screwed.

It's probably anxiety seeing my marriage is just around the corner.  Once I am married I am sure these thoughts will be nothing but a memory.

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