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Scouring the city of London, I have been to the clubs, bars you can think off. Hoping I would bump into her. Considering I had bump to her unexpectedly at a bar when I was drunk of my ass. Now that I am sober I can't seem to find her. Maybe I should get one drink, but thinking about it, I don't want to end up in another strange woman's bed.

One month that is how long I have been here. My parents would call me every so often asking of my well being.  We have thought of ways to bring Kanna and Kyle back home seeing she may not come home willingly. As for Dana, she would persistently asked me to come home as I have told her that I was away on business while I on the other hand am not leaving, not without her. I don't care how much times I have to beg for her forgiveness, I will grovel at my knees for her to take me back, to come home. And if she refuses, I will drag her and Kyle home with me whether she likes it or not.

She belongs with me, both of them. I'm just upset that I didn't realize sooner. How could I be so stupid to choose her over Dana.

"Michael, Michael Black is that you?"

Turning around, I came face to face with a ghost of my past, Christy Tailie, my ex girlfriend before Dana. "Hi." Out of all the places I would see her again, it is here in London.

I felt Christy's soft lips on my cheek and all I could give her was a hug. "Wow, I didn't expect to see you here. Last I have read is that you married Dana. So how's that going for you?"

Like Dana, Chirsty is also the jealous and clingy type. Makes me wonder are all my ex's like that?

"Dana is doing great. We are going through a divorce but other than that I am good." Why did I tell her?  I have no idea why I said that.  Perhaps it was the fact that I did love her once.  She was my first girlfriend and the first person I gave myself too.

Christy's expression lit up like a Christmas Tree at the word divorce. Soon she hooked my arm in hers, "Oh that's too bad." I didn't miss the sarcasm in her voice.

"You, what are you doing here?"

"I'm a model." She giggled. There was once a time when I was infatuated with her giggle but now it just seems to annoy me.

"I see." I responded wanting to shake her off.

"Um...since you are here I have to attend a gala but I don't have any date so I was wondering if you would be my date?" We just met after so long and is already asking me out. She works fast.

"I would love to go with you but I am in the middle of something."

"Oh, please tell me maybe I can help you." Christy batted her eyes while pressing her breast against my arm.

Sighing I replied while stepping back, "I'm actually looking for someone."

Christy then tilted her head, "Maybe you will find that someone at the gala. You never know."

She's right, after all she is a model and as I recall Kanna works with model, "Very well..."

"Great you'll go as my boyfriend." She gleeful cheered.

"No. I am only going as an acquaintance nothing more."

"Please, please, everyone there is either married or engage, if I show up single I will be the laughingstock.  You'll just be my fake boyfriend."  She winked at me with her eye lash extension.

"As I recall back in school you didn't have a hard time getting guys.  So I'm sure you have other guys lined up waiting for you to ask them out." It was true. One of the main reason we broke up, she cheated on me with multiple guys.

"Meh, I broke up with my boyfriend who left me for his wife who will also be attending the gala. So please do me this favor." She begged.  My head hung low at her statement.  How many guys have been unfaithful towards their wife.  I can't even judge them because that is just what I did.  Regrettable on my part however I had chosen Dana over the one my heart beats for.

"Fine but that's it." She smiled brightly I mean what could go wrong?

Throughout the week I had spent my day with Christy. Mostly it was shopping and we had acted the part as a boyfriend girlfriend scenario as in the girl shops and the boy spends. Same ol' Christy. She never changes.

So far her shopping contained clothes for the gala down to the shoes, the bags even the jewelry. She walked with me hand in hand. Why do girls need so many things?

When suddenly I saw a bright flash as I was sitting with her. Fuck the paparazzi. This is what I had been avoiding for these pass months. Chasing after the man, I grabbed him and ripped his camera away and crushed it against the wall. "Look man, there just pictures." The man cowered before me.

"And you have no right."

"Michael." Christy was now behind me, "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like," more flashes came through my way. Fuck I can't smash all their cameras, "Enough." I yelled.

"Michael please let's just go."

"Put that shit away." Ignoring Christy I charged the flock of reporters.

As they continue to take pictures I punched the nearby reporter and I punch the next. There were screams and shouts and grunts, some from Christy herself.

Soon I felt a pair of arms hold me, two security that was in the parking lot.

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

"Do you know who I am?" I growled out as flashes went out.

"Fucking shit," I pointed. I was already in a bad mood. Actually since arriving to London nothing has been looking up. "If those pics get out on the front page of the magazine I will make sure all of you are out of jobs." I threatened and hopefully they heed my threats. I don't wont rumors spreading around.

Dana for one will be on the next flight to London and Kanna, I can't have her thinking I replaced her which I would never, not for some woman in tight clothing with fake boobs.

None the less Christy dragged me away from all the media while handing me a drink, "What was that all about?"

"I don't want to be on the front page of some magazine especially not with you." I answered honestly. My words may have been harsh but I wasn't going to give her false hope.

"And why is that, you told me your divorce so being seen with me..."

I had walked away from her statements. I didn't want to be seen with her, I didn't want to even meet her but here she is.

"Michael." Christy caught up to me latching herself to my side once again. All I could do is look down and shake me head, how the hell did I end up in this situation?

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