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The party had died down hours ago. Everyone left either rattled, tired, or confused by what they had witness.

What was supposed to be an eventful night turned into a nightmare on elm street. Well sort of.

Kanna also left with her son well our son or so she says.

It was 1 am and hardly any one was sleepy. I think it was the fact of the shocking news we had learned earlier.

I had a son. Saying that out loud made it seem unbelievable.

Looking around the living room, Dana and Linda were pacing back and forth, Jack kept giving me an angry look. If he had laser vision I'm sure I'd be burnt to a crisp while Bailey tried to sooth him down. Brandon sat on the couch silently while my parents had a huge smile on their faces.

As a matter of fact, there smile never faltered ever since Kyle tried to take the cake.

"Jack, what the hell man?" I crossed my hand and leaned against the wall, my eyes casting down the floor.

"No... nothing. It's just hard to believe that, that once innocent girl has a son." He absentmindedly spoke while taking a sip of beer that he was holding.

"I mean there was a time where she looked up to me, so I was just caught off guard." He smiled which didn't quite reach his eyes.

"So much for surprises." Bailey scuffed.

"Oh my, what are you going to do now?" Though my mom should've sound angry, she wasn't. More like she was ecstatic to know of her grandson.

"I want a paternity test." Dana seethed.

"A paternity test, my dear child anyone can tell right away that Kyle is a carbon copy of Michael here." Ed beamed. Is he really? When he had ran into my leg I never thought about it. I mean I did see similarities but it hasn't even crossed my mind that he could be mine.

"So, you knew?" Brandon turned towards Ed.

"Of course, I knew at first glance and you how dare you not tell me about my grandson." Ed scowled with a smile on his face.

"That's right, how the hell did you know about Kyle?" And so, it begins. I would like to know too as Linda glowered at the now timid Brandon.

Without even asking, I could tell he knew for some time. Does that mean he knew where Kanna was all this time and without even saying anything? And as if realization hit me, he knew I had a son and choose to be quiet about it.

"What the fuck Brandon." I spoke his name venomously. "You knew I had a son and dared to keep quiet about it?"

"I... I visited her."

"What do you mean? I thought you would've break it off with her once she was shipped off." Linda was now yelling.

"Linda, what the fuck are you talking about?"

Dana pulled Linda back.

"I take it from your expression you knew where she was?" I questioned Dana but the refusal for her to meet my eyes tells me what I already needed to know. "Unbelievable, you three knew where she was?" I scoffed. My anger rising at the mere thought of Kanna. Didn't she think I had the right to know. "Brandon you and your daughter had no right keeping my son away from me." I growled.

"I didn't think you would care besides I did what was best." Brandon voice was filled with disdain.

What the hell was he talking about? But before I could get an answer Dana's voice over powered my thoughts for a split second, "We thought it was for the best considering your betrayal towards me."

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