Birthday Bash

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Laying in my bed, with my lamp on, I was reading a book. Lately aside from work and Lacy, it's my new favorite hobby. And who would've guess I would be reading a romance novel.

Dana exited the bathroom to lay right next to me. Her head firmly placed on my chest, her fingers slightly running up and down my naval heading more south.

Still reading a book I heard her voice, "Babe?"

"Mmm..." I answered while I flip the next page.

"Let's make another baby."

"Dana. We can't not now. Not until we fix our marriage." It's true, until we have our marriage stronger bringing another child will only making things harder for me and her. Sure, I do want another child but do I want one with her.

I mean Lacy is still upset with me but with time she will get over it. After all her birthday is in 3 weeks and she is turning 3 years old. Oh, how the days pass by so fast.

"Please." Dana shifted her head and landed a kiss on my lips as I put my book down. What can I do but kiss her back right. She is after all my wife.

Sadly, on my end as I said before, it is hard for me to get turned on by my wife when my dick only want's that special someone.

"I want a blow job." I honestly asked.

Licking her lips Dana sat in between my legs as I removed my boxers. Course my dick looks sad. What the fuck. I can't even get it to rise. Maybe if Dana starts by giving me a blow job it will wake up.

Feeling Dana wrapped her lips around my cock, nope I wasn't feeling it. Dana will get pissed off and I will never hear the end of it.

Closing my eyes, a certain innocent beauty appeared before me. Her lips, her eyes, her voice, she was intoxicating. Soon my dick had hardened at the mere thought of her.

Opening my eyes, Dana sat just above my dick and began to ride me.


I was flipping burgers on a grill while the kids were playing in a bounce house we had rented. Today was my little's girl's birthday.

Her nanny Carol took her out for some ice cream while we prepare for her birthday party that we are holding at the park.

I even had hired a clown, a magician and a pony. The neighborhood kids were all here along with their parents. My mom was entertaining the guest while my dad had kept me company. My father in law Brandon ignored me for the most part. He was upset when he found out how I treated his daughter. And I don't blame him. I would be upset too if some man treated Lacy the way I had treated Kanna.Even though it killed me to say those things, I had to do it, for her sake and mine.  I made my choice and it was better for her to hate me than to continue loving me. I am a dick, aren't I?

Startled I felt a warm pair of hands wrapped behind me, "Babe, where did you get this apron? This makes you look sexy."

"Yeah I was going to ask the same thing, I mean not the sexy part but using pink flowery apron, isn't it too girl for you." Ed looked at me.

"It was a gift." Sort of the truth I suppose. I had stolen this apron from her, a remembrance to remember her by. Don't ask me how I stole it, at that time I was like a walking zombie after our conversation at the cafe. I was cruel. I even spoke cruel words towards her.

To even admit that Kyle wasn't mine made me break. And the fact I had called her a homewrecker I wanted to crawl under a rock and die.

The look on her face shattered my heart.

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