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"I'm coming." I yawned heading down stairs not caring about my appearance to the sound of a ringing door bell.

Who could that be?

Opening the door those same deep alluring eyes that I seemed so fond of stared back at me.

"Good morning, how are you feeling today?" He huskily spoke, his voice sending shivers down my spine as he held up a bag of pastries and coffee and a sleepy Lacy in his arms.

"Morning Michael." That instant the sleep from my face vanish at the sight of him. In normal clothes with normal shoes, just a plane t-shirt and jeans that screams wow. This man sure screams masculinity.

What a minute? "Does everyone know where I live?" First Jack now Michael. How do these people find out where I live? I am sure I haven't told anyone and it's not like I am listed.

Choosing not to answer he step foot into my apartment giving me a peck on my cheek.

"So, what brings you here?" Grabbing the bag of goodies, I placed hem on the counter.

"I came to take you and Kyle out."

Awesome, a family day out. I like the sound of that.

Waking Kyle up from his sleep I quickly dressed myself and him up then heading back down stairs.

Once Lacy seen Kyle she was now fully awake to which I had greeted her a good morning kiss on her forehead as well.

We were now all in Michaels car with the kids buckled up.

"Where are you talking us." I admit I was a bit excited. Our first day out in the open.

"To this secluded park with the kids."

The mention of secluded meant private. My excitement went downhill. I should've known somewhere more private away from prying eyes.

"It's just I don't think the kids are ready for that kind of attention." He answers my non-question seeming he got the mood I was in just seconds ago.

Arriving at the park, it was quiet and just us. Michael even packed a picnic basket while we both watch our kids play in the sand box. It was nice, calming, and relaxing.

"So, are you feeling alright today?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"Well after you had that tuna sandwich..."

I sighed, "Must be a stomach bug because I can't seem to hold anything down."

"Well I made some sandwiches and it's not tuna."

Pulling out a sandwich I smiled, "Peanut butter and jelly my favorite."

Michael, the kids and I played throughout the day and before you know the sun was setting and it was time to head home.

"Good night Lacy."

"Night, night." She hugged me.

The following two days went by fast and it was back to work again.

Opening my office door, I sluggishly plop myself in my chair. I had Greg watch Kyle for the time being. A cold that is what I woke up with along with a migraine. My head throbbed throughout my morning routine.

I have not seen Michael since our time at the park but he did take the time text me with loving words and my favorite part is when he called my beautiful, love or babe. And if I was feeling well I am sure I'd be jumping on my desk right now.

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