7 months

682 27 9


Walking into my penthouse with a beer in my hand, I lazily sat on my sofa. Yes you heard right, a penthouse.

After a break down at the hospital everything came to light. When Jack found out he was the father of Lacy, he broke down and cried. He always wanted a daughter but when he and Bailey tried once before they were unsuccessful. That is until Bailey found out she couldn't have kids nonetheless at the time he still wanted to marry her.

Our relationship was strained. It wasn't as it was before. Jack and I were still business associates but that is how far it goes. Maybe every once in awhile I would ask how Lacy is. Even though she isn't mine I still cared for her.

As for Bailey and Dana, they were still friends aside when Bailey had told Dana about Jack's true feelings for Kanna, she replied with an 'I told you so.'

The next day I had brought flowers as I stood outside of her house. However there was no answer so when I went next door to her shop the signed read foreclosure.

I was utterly shock as I looked through the big window glass to find the building empty.

It was then I realized I lost the best thing that happened to me. I not only lost Lacy, because I did, I loved her like my own, I also lost my son and the woman I truly love.

Walking into my office I sat at my desk with a scowl on my face. Everyone here were now scared of me. I had fired half of my employees only to be replaced with a more competent ones. Do I care. No.

As I was looking through some paper work a very pregnant Dana strolled into my office. Yes she is now 6 months pregnant.

"What are you doing here? Leave now."

"But, I have a doctors appointment today. You missed all the other ones. Don't you want to find the gender of the baby?"

"Why don't you ask its daddy." I coldly spoke.

"But you are the dad." Is she seriously telling me that. Does she think she can pull another one of her stunts like this again. But this is what she does. Every day at work around the same time, she brings baring gifts such as lunch, deserts, pictures of how were once where. I grow tired of this act.

"I hardly doubt that."

"But we had sex remember that night."

How could I forget, it was the night the first of many nights of my own downfall.

"Would it make you feel better if I told you I faked it."

"You, what? You couldn't have, you climax I heard you. You're lying!" I wish I was at that point, you know how embarrassing it is for a guy of my stature who couldn't even get turned on by a naked woman before me, it's humiliating.

"Dana." I sighed, "That night I couldn't. Even if I wanted to you just couldn't make me feel the way I once felt for you."

'Slap.' Whipping my head back to her, I met her angry eyes, "How could you?"

"You are really going to ask me that. That thing you got there is that even real. Or you really are a whore." 'Slap.' "I loved you, love you still please please Mikey don't do this to me."

I looked at her raging building inside me, "Out now or I will have you escorted out." I walked passed her with my right hand in my pocket holding the door open for her.

Holding up her head high, Dana walked passed me but not before getting the last word, "You will regret this." Then I slammed the door on her.

We are not yet divorce, not until we got everything settled. Just wish she'd sign the damn papers. What more does she want. I gave her the house, money, even the cars. She was still not satisfied.

Lacy on the other hand has a hard time believing that Jack is her father. Though Lacy does love Jack but she loves me too. And I think it is best that I wasn't in the picture so Lacy could get used to Jack.

Also he has filed for full custody of Lacy which he won considering Dana reluctant to let her go but Jack knew more about Lacy then she did.

Aside from that, I don't know anything about Bailey. And Carol we given her proper burial.

Just then my phone rang, "Mr. Black, sir?"

"Yes Allan, got any leads?" Ed and I had hired a private investigator and so far we always come across a dead end.

"Well it's not really a lead..."

"Then why the hell are you calling? I told you not to call until I get results."

"Sir, there is a fashion exhibit here."

A fashion exhibit? What's new about it. I have been to countless fashion shows and exhibition and I have yet to find who I am looking for. But what could hurt if I go to one more. "And were exactly is here?"

"London sir."


The people were bustling as I made my way through. The lights were dimmed so it was hard to tell who's who. With a drink in one hand, I smiled passing through the crowd of people.

The ladies had dressed up nicely well most of them anyway, some in elegant attire while others had hardly any clothes on. Seriously this is a prestigious event. But I could see the wheels turning in their minds, hoping to find a rich man to go home with. If these man had any class they'd certainly turn them down.

After ignorning most of the woman here, my eyes now scanning the entire room. I can feel myself growing anxious. For some odd reason after attending about 10 different fashion events, perhaps she's here. It's as if she is close by. How do I know this? Because my heart is beating at an increasinly high rate. And it only does that when she is near me.

Taking another drink I listened to the chatter in this room. Hard to hear consider the amount of people attending.

"Michael Black, is that you?" My attention was turned to a gentle man who I have not seen since the night of my wedding. "Mr. Alex Sabino." I shook his hand.

"Wow, it's been a long time since we last seen each other."

"In deed it has." I smiled already bored of this small talk.

"So tell me, how's the married life?"

Not surprising he would ask me that. I only shrugged my shoulders. As much as possible I kept my marriage situation out of the public's eyes. It's none of their business what I do in my personal life.

"I bet you and Mrs. Black got plenty kids by now, eh." He gave me a friendly tap on my shoulders. "So how many kids do you have by now?"

What's with all the questions? I hated answering questions like these. Besides he is waisting my time.

"Sorry but I have to go, it was nice seeing you Alex." I smiled politely before leaving not wanting to interact with him anymore.

Woman every where. Each woman I see from behind makes me more hopeful. Each woman I see up front my hope dies.

Suddenly my ears picked up a sweet sounding laughter. It's as if my ears are only in tune at that sweet sounding laughter. But where is it coming from?

I rushed towards the sea of woman, some trying to stop me in the process until that voice that I missed so much, her sweet melodic voice that got stuck in my head. She's here, but where?

Throughout the night I searched each woman, and with no luck she was no where to be found. I even asked a few if they have known a fashion designer with the name of Kahn.

The night is ending, half the crowd has all ready left, the other half are wasted and possible waiting for their ride home. I on the other hand had to drag my self back to my suite.

She was here, I could almost feel her, I had heard her but I lost her, fuck I lost her.

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