The Fashion Show

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"Mandy, bring me last year's 2017 summer collection." I asked one of my employee's Amanda.

She hasn't been here long, maybe only 4 months but she has proved to be a very useful employee.

My office area this morning are all hustling and bustling. This week end we are to attend a fashion gala for Vogue. And this whole month we were preparing for our new 2018 summer collection. It hasn't been even seen to the public eyes.

Everywhere we are to present our newest fashion clothing line, and I tell you this gets my adrenaline pumping.

So yeah everyone's has been pulling an over nightery.

For the past month I had forgotten the drama between the Black's and the Holding's.

Surprisingly the Holding's wedding is still on. Thankfully Bailey had forgiven Jack however as for me, I think she is wary though she hasn't told me she is pulling out of the contract.

Well that put a relief on my part, regrettable she had asked for another wedding coordinator other than Miley or myself, so I had Amada handle their wedding preparations. I would sill however design their clothes that hasn't change.

But from what Amanda tells me everything is going well aside from the fact that for whatever reason Michael and Jack's relationship hasn't bounce back though him and Dana continued to attend to their meetings.

Thank goodness I don't have to deal with them. I would've recommended Miley but she had decline saying she'd probably have their heads on a pedestal. So of course, Amanda is my next option. She wasn't as good as Miley but she still can handle their wedding.

Now that, that's taken care of, I need a few more designs before we enter them in this year fashion show.

"Miley, are all the models ready for this week end?"

"Just a few hasn't returned back Miss boss." Miley called out using my nick name that most of my employees use.

"Ma, ma." Kyle toddled towards me with his arms open wide.

Picking him up I cooed, "Hi there sweetie, are you hungry?"

Kyle only looked at me before opening his mouth.

Pulling out some of his packed food I started to feed him.

Tracy then came by and handed me the magazines I asked for, "Oh um Tracy, contact the factory and tell them the materials needs to be here before tonight. I don't care if they are swamp we have a dead line." Tracy nodded before scurrying off.


It was all over the news, of this week fashion show. I was on T.V. I was even interview. The questions were simple mainly if I was nervous and what would I accomplish to where my ideas come from.

Invitations were already sent so only those invited would be attending. To say I wasn't nervous was an understatement. I was hella nervous. But then again, I am always nervous when presenting my designs to the whole world.

My employees along with the models we had hand pick where now getting ready and getting dress. I had peaked out on the floor and the room was packed with all sorts of rich snobs. Yes, if you are wealthy for whatever reason to me they are all snobs.

While there are starving children these people like to spend their money on useless designer watches, clothes, cars and such.

The doors flew open, when I heard the clickety clack of leather shoes along the floor. My attention was diverted towards our unwanted guests. "What are you doing here?"

With his hands in his pocket, he looked down on me not saying a word. His smug did the talking and it did. This man before me was hot, sexy I'd like to call it. Unfortunately he is married. He is a married man.

"I got an invitation, and I couldn't pass up to see your designs." He smiled.

"Um...Michael does Dana know you're here?" I haven't seen Michael in over a month and he is here now.

"Actually, this was her idea. She wanted to attend." This was Dana's idea. Now I was curious onto why she even wanted to be in the same room as me.

"Jack and Bailey are here too." Okay now I am skeptical. I don't know why but I have a feeling they aren't just here to enjoy the show. I may not have known the two girls for a long time but something tells me in my gut this fashion show would be more entertaining to them that it is to me.

Shrugging of that idea, "Okay so what do you want?"

Michael only gazed at me before taking a look around. "I wanted to see you." If he wasn't married, I would've melted in his arms and probably faint from his sexy smile. Shut up Kanna, he is married to your sister. I once again scolded myself.

All the models were now fully dress and we would be out in 20 minutes that is until I heard the frantic voice of Miley booming from the door way.

"Kahn big problem." Oh great, the very words everyone likes to hear right before they make it out on stage.


Pulling out a magazine, Miley handed it to me while catching her breath.

Flipping from page to page my eyes had widen in a shocking look, as I had flipped through each page in less than 20 seconds. "What the hell, Miley when was this magazine issued?"

"This morning,"

"What's the problem?" Michael asked with concern

I don't believe this, "This." I handed the magazine towards Michael for him to only gawked at the pictures before looking at my models.

The designs that my models had on were now plastered in this morning magazines. How the hell did this happen? What the hell? Fucking shit. Curse words flew through my mind.

Pulling Miley aside, Michael who seemed to follow, we spoke in hush tones, "Someone leaked our designs."

"And how would they do that unless..."

"You have a traitor in one of your employees." Michael finished her sentence.

I only had a handful of employees and I didn't want to accuse them when I have no proof.

We are going on soon and we can't go on knowing our designs are all over some magazine. I wouldn't be able to get into another fashion show. I'll be known as a copycat and can be sued for plagiarism. Fuck! My angry grew, I wanted retribution for whoever decided it would be wise to sell my ideas to some no name company.

Unfortunately, all my employees had worked with me for years so why now, that they thought it was a good idea to sell my ideas. Who was it? Everyone here had seen my ideas and I can't go accusing. It wouldn't seem professional.

I felt Michael gently rubbed my arm as if to sooth me. "You should go back out, your wife might be looking for you."

His eyes brow crease together, "I can't leave you knowing you are dealing with some sort of crises. I want to help."

"Thank you, Michael, but don't worry this is not a problem that can't be easily solved. I have dealt with far worse so please go back to Dana. I don't want another black eye. I'm just healing from the last one."

With one last smile he bent down to kiss me on the cheek, "If you ever need help please after all we are family."

Family? The only family I have is Kyle and my dad. I don't need anyone else.

Michael took one last look at me before his attention turned towards Kyle who was napping on the couch. Lucky kid, sleeping without a worry in the world. I watch his retreating back as he made his way back out in the hall.

"15 minutes till you go on." The announcer popped his head in.

"What the fuck, Kahn what are we going to do?" Miley asked nervously bouncing from side to side.

Yes, what are we going to do.

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