War not Over

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Half an hour later, my case does not look good.  We had thrown every aspect there was and still Mrs. Allison Reid had a rebuttal for everything.

Her reputation does proceed her.  When I heard rumors of her outstanding cases, I thought they were nothing but baseless rumors.  But now seeing her in action makes me rethink this whole custody battle.

"We'd like to call for a 10-minute break."  My lawyer asked.

"Granted, this hearing will resume in 10 minutes."

We weren't getting anywhere.  There was no progress and from the looks of it, it looks like I am on the losing end. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

As if sensing my distress Dana gently rubbed my arms, "Attorney isn't there any other way?"

I was surprise Dana was with me on this.  "Look hon I may not like that brat,"

"Careful."  I warned.

"Regardless it is no secret I despise Kanna and would do everything to make her feel the way I had felt.  And what better way than to take her son away from her and possibly play second mother to that little ba...munchkin."  She smiled evilly.

"Dana, she is still the mother of my child and she will continue to be the mother of my child."

"Yes, she is don't remind me of who you slept with.  I would understand if it was a total stranger but my sister."  She squeaked.  "She did this to me, to us, to Lacy and now we will make her pay."  She sneered.

"Dana, if you think I am doing this out of spite then you are wrong.  I merely want a chance to be a father to him."

Sighing she continued, "You are a father to an adorable little girl but if that is your wish, "her attention turned towards my lawyer, "Why don't we make it seem like she is an unfit parent."

"Dana."  Jack and I gasped.

Even though Jack probably new Kanna longer than I have and only I for a short time, we both know how wrong that was.  Though the thought did cross my mind but I would never say she is a bad mother.  In fact, looking at Kyle I say she is a wonderful mother.  Wish I could say the same about Dana. 

"I think that's a wonderful idea."  Linda pitch in a few words.

"Dear, we can't do that to Kanna, she is still my daughter."

"Do not call that gold digging whore your daughter.  She will be anything but.  And if you so called her your daughter once again let me warn you I will not be held accountable for my actions."  Linda threatened.

"Linda, if you so much as touch a hair on Kanna's head I will show you what I am capable of."  I maybe at war with Kanna at the moment but I want no harm come to her.  After all this family has probably done more damage than she ever has.

"I think that's a case that would help us in a sense so we should go that route."  The attorney answered putting an end to our mini feud.

"No, I may want my son but I would never do that to Kanna or Kyle."

"Mike, are you going to choose her over me again."

"This isn't about you.  It's about my son now shut the hell up while I think for a moment."  She was getting on my last nerves.

"I understand Mr. Black but looking at the situation it doesn't look good and as you know Mrs. Reid will win the case."

I sighed in resignation.  Though I know how wrong it is, I had no other choice did I.

Taking that as a cue, Dana presented an idea of how Kanna was the one to seduce me and that she is a bipolar wench.

"Dana, that's enough.  I will not let you tarnish Kanna's name and be claimed as an unfit mother.  Attorney we will proceed with our original plan.

Soon the judge came back and once again we started the hearing.

My lawyer was the first to make his plea once again but I was utterly dumb founded when he decided and went ahead with Dana's plan.

What the hell was he doing?

Looking over at Kanna she was almost close to tears.  Mrs. Reid was even comforting her, even my parents were also comforting her.  The way my lawyer made it sound, he made it sound like Kanna was a gold digging bipolar whore who ruined a perfectly healthy marriage by having an affair with her sister's husband who as a mother is not fit to raise a child.  He attacked her with bitter words.

Okay sure I may have called her a whore and a slut but I would never have ousted her in front of the entire court room

After his speech, the lawyer came back to sit down please with his actions.

"What the fuck attorney!"  I whispered yelled.  "That wasn't the plan."

"Sorry Mr. Black but if I win this case against Mrs. Reid I will be well known."  He smiled gleefully.

Fucking shit, he did this for reputation at the expense of an innocent mother.

"You're fired, get your shit and get out of here."

"I'm sorry but the hearing should be done soon."  He gave out a smug smile as if he already won.

Waiting...Mrs. Reid was busy looking at the papers she held in her hands right before she stood up with a smirk on her face.

"You're honor," she began, "I wasn't going to do this but you leave me with no choice."  She gravely spoke while looking at me, "I thought we could do this civilly but I guess not."  Holding up the papers in her hand she presented before the judge.  "These are emails from Mr. Black dating several years ago.  A conversation that took place between my client and Mr. Black.  A few months after she found out she was pregnant."

What!?  Email?  Conversation?  I don't remember having a conversation with her.  The only email I had gotten was an email of insults and empty threats.

"This is proof that this email is authentic and in nowhere fabricated."  Mrs. Reid began to pass out copies of said conversation to me and my lawyer to where we began skimming. 

"Allow me to read a few lines, 'I do not care about that so-called bastard of a child, abort it.' Or my favorite, 'it's probably one of your many whores.'

As I was reading, it was indeed a conversation of me and Kanna with my email address.  A conversation I don't ever recall of having.  There were a few choice words that I would never have said along with emojis that I would have never used.

How the hell did this happen?  What the fuck is this.  I gripped the papers in my hand wanting to tear into shreds.

If you think I was angry, well now I am furious.

"What's the meaning of this, your honor this can be altered."

"As I said Mr. Louis, this email or conversation is in no way altered."


"That's enough attorney."  Standing up I face the judge, "Your honor in my defense I had no recollection of such conversation but if it would please the court I'd like to withdraw my petition."

"Honey..." Dana tugged on my sleeve.

"Not now!"  I growled at her only for her to flinched.

"Are you sure about this Mr. Black?  These are serious accusations."

I nodded my head, "I think it'd be best if we talk about his in private."  My attention turned to Kanna with a guilty and remorseful look.

"Very well, court dismiss."

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