Mistakes and Regrets

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Today was a long day. Kyle and I were sitting at home eating dinner while my thoughts were of today's event.

My designs, how the hell did it make it on the front page of some sort of magazine? I wondered to myself. And I refuse to believe that one of my employees sold my designs. The designs I had work so hard on.

After dinner, I got Kyle ready for bed. It was almost 9 pm and finally Kyle was asleep.

Sitting in my living room, I began to draw like my fingers had a mind of its own. The coloring, the art work it has always been a natural for me.

My attention suddenly drifted off to my door where someone rudely began ringing and banging on the door.

Looking at my clock it was almost 11. Apparently, I had been sitting in the same position for hours drawing. My living room was once again covered in sketches and rough drafts.

Sighing I mumbled, "Who could that be at this time of night?"

Struggling to stand up, I stumbled my way towards the door looking through the peep hole.

"What is he doing here?" Carefully opening the door, a drunk Jack stumbled into my living room.

"Jack what are you doing here? It's late. Shouldn't you be at home with your fiancé?"

Jack kept silent while looking around my home.

Curiosity made its way up, "How'd you know where I live anyway?"

"It's not hard to find considering your shop is right next door." Ah he speaks, his voice wavering at the same time.

"Please Kanna, don't leave me." He slurs pulling me into his embrace.

"Let go Jack, you're drunk." His body now heavily on me. Leaning on me, I led him to my sofa where he plopped down with a thud.

Here he was this tall buff man sitting on my small sofa that was only made for me and Kyle.

"I think I'm going to break your couch." His hands rubbing the back of his neck.

Grabbing a glass of water, I handed it to him. "Here drink this then go home."

"You are my home." He looked up at me with glossy eyes.

"Jack please go home now." His expression turned angry at my tone. Now there was one thing having a drunk sad lonely Jack at my home but another thing to have a drunk angry Jack.

Standing up he grabbed the water I was holding and set it down aside then roughly grabbing both my arms, "No, Kanna we are meant to be together please. When I saw you again after years I thought maybe I got another chance to make it right. At first, I tried to fight this pull you have on me but the pull is way stronger than I ever imagined. Please baby don't forget about us. I miss you." He pressed his forehead against mine.

"Us, Jack there is no us."

"Why is it because of Michael?"

"This isn't about him and you know it." I was now yelling but kept it to a minimum because Kyle was just upstairs sleeping.

"I begged to differ. When? When did you stat sleeping with Michael? You accused me but you go and do the exact same thing you whore." He spat letting me go.

'Slap' Jack's head spun so fast that he didn't see that coming.

"Jack a whore? Do not call me that."


"And don't call me baby. You know what leave. I don't have time for your revelations. I want you out now!"

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