Wedding Coordinator

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"Daddy!" I smiled at my two-year-old daughter Lacy who wobbled towards me with open arms after coming home from a longs day work.

Picking her up I smiled right back, "Where's mommy?"

She only giggled at the sound of my voice.

No matter how stressful it is during work I always come home to a chirpy little girl. My little girl.

Dana her mother is another story, we weren't as close as we were once, we basically tolerate each other for the sake of our daughter. I mean we don't really fight not since our wedding night.

3 years that we have been seeing a marriage counselor. We also go to one of the group marriages to help make our marriage stronger.

So far there isn't much progress.

Aside from our marriage, we have family bonding reunion. Everyone slowly has forgotten our fiasco of a marriage.

Not since Kanna my sister in law disappeared. No one seems to know where she was and I was afraid to even ask.

There were rumors that she ran away. Speculations that she grew envious and wanted what Dana has. And others say that she found a rich man eloped because she was pregnant with his child.

For whatever reason, it's like she vanished into thin air. Dana and her parents couldn't care less. I insisted we hire someone to go and find her but that failed when Dana accused me of wanting to find her for my own gain.

To say I was shock was an understatement and her so called parents seemed to care less.

Then a couple months later I had received an email from my so-called sister in law. I was relieved to know she took the initiative to contact me but why me and not her own dad.

I would understand not contacting Linda or Dana considering she is the reminder of Brandon's affair but you would think she would even let her dad know where she was.

When I had opened her email, it was filled with very colorful words about Dana and Linda. She even threated my unborn daughter.

I didn't care if she insulted Dana or Linda but to threaten a child who wasn't even born yet especially my child well that most definitely pissed me off.

After that I for one am glad she fled. I just hope she never comes back. Family to me is everything, trust and loyalty is what I value.

"Oh, babe your home." Dana walked down stairs in her blue night gown. She hasn't lost her touch. She is still the most beautiful person on earth.

I gave her one of my sickly smile before freshening up.

During dinner, Lacy's nanny fed her before washing her up.

Yes, Lacy has her own nanny. Considering I am always at work I can't watch Lacy. Probably thinking what about Dana. Hell no! I don't even trust her with our daughter. She has lost her many times on her way to the park. Always on her phone and never paying attention.

"Mikey." I looked up at Dana, "Don't forget, we have to meet Jack and his fiancé tomorrow."

Jack Holdings is a friend of ours. Linda introduced him to me after my wedding. He is the CEO of Holding Industries and also a very good friend of mine and a business associate.

At first, I didn't trust him around Dana. He kept flirting despite her being pregnant with my child but Dana assure me that there is nothing going on.

Slowly we became friends and he was very good with Lacy.

Now he is getting married at the age of 27 and has chosen me as his best mate and Dana as the matron of honor.

"Of course, how could I forget." Tomorrow we are going to discuss his wedding with his fiancé and choose a wedding coordinator or a wedding planner. Just thinking about weddings made my mood turn sour.

"Here are the pictures of some wedding dresses." Bailey placed a wedding magazine in front of us.

We were at a small café with Jack and his fiancé Bailey talking about this famous fashion designer. His clothes line are top of the line and very expensive not that I can't afford it.

In fact, Dana only uses one type of brand.

"Oh my god." Dana squealed, "This dress is absolutely gorgeous. Look babe." She showed me the picture. It was indeed beautiful. Imaging Dana in such a dress got me thinking of all sorts of...okay I can feel my self-hardening underneath the table.

"It's beautiful and it would look perfect on you."

"Really." Dana beamed.

"Yes, if you want it I'll buy it for you." I remember an advice given to me on the day of my wedding, 'Happy wife, Happy life.' Trying to recall of said person who spoke such wisdom. It was true though, as long as she's happy, I'm good.

"Oh my god babe, you're the best." See what I mean.

"You know." Bailey smiled, "This fashion designer just opened up his company down town."

"Are you for reals." Jack and I kept quiet just listening to our girl's excitement of this fashion designer. Hell, my suits are custom made from him. He never makes the same design twice. It is not an Armani suit but hell it's more expensive than an Armani suit.

The materials I heard are all imported from all over the world.

In fact, they are rumors that he travels gathering rare jewels and materials just so he could come up with the next design. No one has seen his face. I think or maybe they have, they just don't speak of it.

"Yups, Bailey here even went to his shop. That is why we asked to meet. We have an appointment to meet with him and was wondering if you want to join us?"

"An appointment? How'd you managed that?" I questioned. Another thing about this fashion designer is scheduling an appointment is like asking a chicken to whistle, nearly close to impossible.

Jack answered, "I didn't. I called in a favor. I know someone who works for him."

"18 months." Bailey impatiently spoke. "That's how long it took to actually have an appointment with him."

"18 months?" Dana jolted in her seat.

"Anything for my baby girl." Jack winked at Bailey.

In fits of excitement, Dana asked. "So, are you going to have a custom-made wedding dress?"

"Not only that but I also heard he is an event planner."

"An event planner?" Dana's head titled.

"Yeah, he plans parties, coordinates them and much more." Jack spoke. Intrigued by this new information, I was dying to know what kind of person this Fashion Designer is.

"Oh, my god when is this appointment?" Dana asked.

"Today at 2."

"That's in an hour." I cocked my eyebrow. "I can't go, I have to get back to Lacy."

"Please." Dana begged. I hate it when she begged but I didn't want to go because it's my time to spend with Lacy. Unfortunately I couldn't say no to her.

"Fine." I sighed.

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