The Contract

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3 weeks since I have last seen her. 21 days since we have set foot in each other's presence. 504 hours since she made herself known to us, to me. 43,545,600 minutes since she's been occupying my mind and 2,612,736,000 seconds away from her but hey whose counting certainly not me.

Lately Dana's been clingier ever since our encounter with her sister. Correction half-sister or that's what she keeps telling me.

If I go out she calls me with in every 10 minutes to know of my whereabouts. Her insecurity is taking a toll on me. No matter how many times I have to assure her of where I have been she would throw a tantrum. I swear it's like babysitting a big child. I already have to take care of Lacy and I do not wish to play by her rules.

Parking in the parking lot we met with Jack and Bailey outside of the shop. Another meeting we have with Jacks wedding coordinator. Did I tell you I hate weddings? Ever since my own, wedding just don't make me in the mood for much of anything. I'm just here to support my friends and wife. And seeing that I am best man, who knew that comes with so many responsibilities. I had promised Jack to attend all the meetings with him. Which I now regret. Next time I'll just opt out for just being one of the guests.

"We're here again." Dana clung to my arm as if I would disappear. It was hard walking straight with her leaning on me.

Entering the shop, we were once again met with the blond in a blue what looked like a sailors outfit whose name we learned was Tracy.

"Good evening." Tracy smiled. "Please follow me." She led us to the second floor where we waited the last time.

"Miley would be here shortly. Please have a seat. There are coffee and pastries over there so please help yourself." She pointed before leaving us.

All that was left was a comfortable silence aside from the obvious typing and chattering of a few office workers.

Bailey helped herself to some pastries as well as Dana when Miley entered and led us to her office.

"Okay so here are the papers and break down." Miley handed us the papers with all the breakdown of costs. She proceeded to breakdown each cost that was being spent.

"406,000.00!" Jack's eyes almost popped out of his socket. "I know I'm rich but seriously isn't this too much for a wedding that would only last one day."

"Babe, this is my wedding and you only get married once." I cringed at Bailey's tone.

I think after this I may need new friends. Why the hell am I hear again?

"Fine, where do I sign?"

"Oh, thank you so much babe. I love you." Bailey hugged Jack.

"Before you sign let me remind you that if you decided to cancel at any time you will only be refunded only 50% of the amenities that has already been spent and a 30% down non-refundable deposit must be made up front."

Nodding his head, Jack signed on the dotted line before whipping out his gold card and handing it to her.

"So, when will we see the fashion designer?" Dana inch herself closer to her.

"Oh, you next appointment. We also need to measure you for your dresses and we will see what kind of design that would be perfect for you. And on that day, we will see where to start but for now are there any questions?"

Finally exiting the shop, we head towards the small café across the street.

"Well shit." Dana glared at the woman sitting by the window with some man having coffee.

I still remembered her smile.

Before I could comprehend what was I seeing, Dana stomped her way towards the smiling couple.

We trailed behind her well I was hoping she wouldn't cause as scene.

"What the fuck." We shouted in horror when Bailey tossed her own drink on her.

"Bailey!" Jack and I yelled.

"Dude, what the fuck?" Her date grabbed a napkin in an attempt to wipe her off.

While everyone in the whole café stopped and stared, I for one am relieve her drink was no longer hot.

"I hope you two are not on a date because if you are I suggest you find yourself another girl. This slut here gives out an open invitation to anyone with a dick. Who knows what you'll contract just by looking at her." Dana cackled.

"Dana!" I barked grabbing her wrist before she was about to lay one on her.

"Kanna you know these rude people?"

"Oh honey, I don't just know her, she slept with my husband on my wedding day. I 'd say I know her all too well." Dana's didn't bother to hide the calamity that befell between her and her sister which of course included myself.

"Dana that's enough."

Rising to his feet the man's jaw ticked, "Look here I don't know who you people are but I shut your fucking trap and you," his finger wagged in my face, "I take your whore of a wife and go home before I will personally take out your trash."

My blood boiled. Was it the fact he just insulted my wife or the fact he was just smiling with Kanna a few minutes ago. No, it was the fact he dared wiggled his fingers towards me.

Stepping up, I was now full on staring him down, my body towered over him. He was a bit husky and about two inches shorter than me so of course I can take him that is if I wanted to. But I am not really a violent man unless the occasion calls for it.

"Get your damn fingers out of my face before you lose an arm." I growled at the man before me.

I heard him snicker before he threw the first punch, "Randall!" Kanna stood up.

Lucky for me I had dodge his lame attacks.

Jack came from behind me and pushed him down making him trip and fall over his own two feet.

"Enough." Kanna helped him up, "You okay Randall?"

Taking one last look at us Randall grabbed her arm pulling her out.

I didn't even here Dana calling for me when my hand automatically tool hold of Kanna's other arm. It was like it had a mind of its own.

"Michael what the hell are you doing?" My head turned to a fuming Dana.

Realizing what I had done I let her go but not before taking one last glance at her.

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