Battle Cry

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"What the hell were you thinking?" My father's voice boomed throughout the house. I had explained to them about fighting for child custody. Course they were not please with my actions.

As of Dana, she too was not pleased.

"I have every right."

"And what right is that? This is serious."

"I did what was needed."

"Correction you did what you wanted? What about the boy? Are you seriously considering taking him away from his mother?" My mother's voice out her opinions.

"That's the thing, she is keeping him away from me. I'll be damn if I let that happen." I argued.

We may not seem like it but my parents and I have a close bonding relationship. I had always gone to them for their advice. The only thing that I didn't listen to was my marriage to Dana which now I am regretting. Though I would never regret having Lacy in my life. She is my joy in my so-called life.

We may be one of the riches philanthropies, you could hardly call us stuck up. And we do not go flaunting what we have. In fact, ever year both my parents always hold a charity even whether it is for the sick or the less fortunate, either way it is good way to help the community.

Ed my father had a reasonable explanation for everything as for Susan she was always the rational one. As for me, well I admit I do make some poor choices but, in the end, I always come out on top with of course the guidance of my parents.

"No, you are just being selfish. Put yourself in her position."

"Look mother I've tried."

"What do you mean tried. All you did was stating that she had no right keeping Kyle away from you then slapped that petition in her face. But think about it, since we have found out, have you even try reaching out to her, to Kyle. Did you call just to ask of his wellbeing? Have you even tried talking to her let alone trying to at least make an effort to get to know the boy before throwing accusations? Did you even give Kanna a chance to explain to you before trying to rip Kyle out of her arms?" How Susan said that without even breathing was beyond me.

Now that I think about it, she does have a point. I didn't even reach out to her or my son. I was just upset she didn't even want me to hold him and Dana wouldn't stop bitching about my son and the mother of my child.

Truth be told I was just upset and hadn't thought about the consequence at all.

"You're right?" Is all I could muster.

"Good now pick up the damn phone and call her that you will be withdrawing your petition."

Sighing I held my cell phone dialing her office number, "Hello this is Tracy speaking how may I help you?"

"Hello Tracy this is Michael Black, is Kanna I mean Ms. Kahn in today?"

"Oh, Mr. Black I'm sorry but Ms. Kahn is busy at the moment may I take a message."

"Actually, this is kind of important."

"Very well let me see please hold."

I wanted for a few seconds before I heard her voice that once and still brought music to my ears, "Michael?"

"Uh, Hi Kanna..." But before I could even start she interrupted, "You got some nerve calling me at my working place you pompus dick. How dare you file a petition for full custody. You want to fight me, I will give you one hell of a fight you big pompus jerk. And you and your horrid wife can go fuck yourself you two-bit fucking egotistical cunt suckers." She yelled before she hung up.

"Well..." both my parents burst out in laughter. I assumed they had heard Kanna's banter reply seeing they were now on the floor laughing.

"I'm taking her to fucking court. She wants to fight then so bit it." I gritted while slamming my phone against the wall. "Fuck!" My hands running through my hair in frustration.

"I hope she wins." Standing up both my parents left laughing at me leaving me alone to my thoughts. They don't mean that right? After all Kyle is their grandson. You think they would be happy if I win to know they can spend more time with him.


I am now here sitting with my lawyer on one side of the court room while Kanna is on the opposite side. Our court hearing was granted a month later which I am pleased so I could get this over with.

Dana and her family are sitting with me, Jack and Bailey are here to support me and as for my parents, well they are sitting on Kanna's side. They weren't kidding when they wished for Kanna to win.

Dana and Bailey had a few choice of words to each other seeing Dana was upset Bailey had chosen Kanna's side. But in her defense, she only likes her designs nothing more.

Kanna's lawyer is not here yet so we are just waiting for him. While on the other hand my lawyer had prepped me for what is to happen. I mean he said I got a good case considering she hid Kyle away from me.

Bailey stood up in her seat walking over to Kanna whispering something to her then coming back.

"What did you say to the she devil?" Dana glared.

"All I said was I hope this doesn't effect preparing for my wedding."

Dana shuddered.

"What, I want the best wedding."

"Fine but after this we will cut her out of our life for good."

"All rise, presenting Judge Goldwin." A man in his late 60's took a seat until his gaze fell on Kanna.

"Your counselor?" He asked.

Before Kanna could answer the door, bursts open revealing a beautiful lady before us Mrs. Allison Reid.

Fuck, I'm in deep shit.

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