What Did you Do?

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"Dana, what the fuck did you do?" I yelled, my voice bouncing off the walls.

We all went back to the home of the Frost's. Jack and Bailey had left after the court hearing giving us time for family problems while Dana sat in her chair nervously.

"Don't yell at me."

"Sweetheart." Linda lightly held my arm.

"Do not touch me." My blood now boiling just thinking about the new information I had received in court.


"Don't." Inhaling to calm my nerves, I glared at her with scorching eyes, "Did you or did you not know about my son? Did you send those emails to Kanna?"

"Are you going to believe that piece of trash over your own wife?"

I gave out a low growl, "Answer me damn it." When I had read those emails, I had already known the answer. Considering a lot of emojis where used and the only person I have known to use a lot of them was Dana.

"Dana." Everyone's attention turned towards Brandon. "What the hell were you thinking? She's your sister."

"Why is everyone on her side. Have you forgotten she slept with my husband but she's playing the victim card."

"Sit your ass back down." I growled shaking in angry.

"Do not talk to my daughter that way." Linda stood between me and Dana.

"She is my wife, I can talk to her the way I pleased, now, I want to hear it from your mouth." My face inches away from hers.

Dana eyes cast down the floor as if it was the most interesting in the room.

"Dana, answer your husband's questions because I'd like to know too. Why would you do that to your own sister."

"I told you dad, it's all his fault and hers. Why couldn't you keep your dick in your pants." Dana seethed. "So, I had to do what I had to do, in order to protect my family."

"So, you sent your emails using my address stating I want nothing to do with my son. You have no right."

"Well can you blame me, you shouldn't have slept..."

"Again, how many times have I said I was sorry. Are you going to hold that over my head? I thought we were passed that."

"I hate her and that kid." She blurted, "She took everything from me."

"What are you talking about? You have everything, she doesn't. She doesn't even have a mother or a family and I thought we could give her that."

"Oh, so now here it goes. If you hadn't slept with that woman, then we wouldn't be here now would we." Linda was now pointing fingers.

How did this get so messed up?

In a rage of fury. I slammed my fist against the wall.

"Mikey." Dana stopped when she saw me in a fit of rage.

Regaining my composure, I stomped towards the exit.

"Michael, where dare you going?" Dana sobbed.

Not turning around, I spoke ever so coldly, "Out!" Right before I had slammed the door.



"Oh my god, I needed this." I sat in the bar with a drink in one hand and Miley sitting next to me.

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