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Days has pass since the rehearsal dinner. The house hold has been hectic as of late.

I have been running around doing errands for Mrs. Frost and Dana. They dragged me everywhere mainly to hold their bags after doing a full-on shopping spree.

I had to pick up the dresses tuxedo flowers, pick out the venue and so much more. My poor aching feet. Shopping maybe my favorite thing to do but right now consider shopping to be at the bottom of my list.

I'm practically handling they're wedding. All they do is give me the orders and make demands while I also handle the guests list, and who's sitting where. 468 adults, 187 teens and about 201 kids but who's counting. Why not just put it on national TV? Surely Dana could use more of the attention not that she already has. I couldn't help but give a lame attempted joke to myself.

If I ever get married, mine will be small and intimate one, with close friends and family. None of these frilly laces and such. Though I wouldn't mind wearing a beautiful wedding gown. One day I told myself, that perfect guy will come along and sweep me off my feet. Corny isn't it but isn't that every girl's dreams. Well it certainly was mine.

Dana has been turning into a real bridezilla. Her friends and her mother are just as worse as her. Who the hell do they think they are to order me around? Still I complied not once complaining.

My father on the other hand thought it would be great to handle the wedding. His idea was so I could get to know his family and perhaps one day we would be able to get along. Ha when pigs fly!

Aside from all the wedding preparations, I also took care of the bachelor and bachelorette party. For some odd reason though running around was tiring as much as I hate to admit it I quite enjoyed it. At least it made me feel important.

Throughout the weeks, I had watch Michael my soon to be future brother in law not once lifting a finger. It's like this wedding didn't even matter to him.

Even though I was not part of the bridal party I still felt special. Hell, I'm not even getting paid. Even dogs get treats now and then.

Finally, with all the preparations done, it was the day of the wedding. The Big Day! While everyone was tending to themselves, I was busy running around making sure everything goes according to plan. I didn't even have time to do my make up or wear a pretty dress.

Not to say I was in just a shirt more like a simple dress with running shoes while my hair is just up in a messy bun.

As I was seating the guests my phone rang, "Dad, is there a problem?"

"Sweetheart, could you come upstairs to Michael's room?" It sounded like it was urgent.

Before heading upstairs, I told the ushers to seat the coming guests as they arrive.

Arriving upstairs I stood outside of Michael's room. Next door was the girls room. In case you're wondering, the bride and the groom have not seen each other for traditional purposes. Whoever made that up probably needed a quick get-away.

Anyway, I waited a few seconds before I knocked. My dad greeted me with a hug. "Sweetheart you're not yet dressed?"

Shaking my head, no I replied, "I will in a minute." Before stepping in.

Looking around the room it was only Michael and my dad and a few bottles of empty beer cans on the end stand, "Where are the grooms men?"

"They're downstairs already." Michael said while holding up a wrinkled tie.

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