Chapter 2

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The two boys looked at each other in shock.

"This is my new butler?!" Taehyung gasped, slowly letting go of Jungkook's shirt.

Jungkook smirked. He was gonna like this job.

"Yes...well, I'll just leave you two to get acquainted," Taehyung's father said as he slipped back into his study.

Taehyung glared in the direction of where his father just disappeared.

"Glad to be at your service, Mr. Taehyung," Jungkook winked and took a step towards him.

Taehyung took a step back, "It's Mr. Kim to you. Only the help that I am well acquainted with can call me Mr. Taehyung. Now go back to your room. Yoongi, one of my family's other butlers, will come get you when dinner is ready."

"You have other butlers?" Jungkook thought he was the only one since Taehyung's father had informed him Jin was leaving.

"Yes, we do. The other butlers have different jobs. Your job is more for my protection and to tend to my every need," Taehyung told him.

Despite Jungkook's attempt to stop his thoughts, they went straight to the gutter.

"Am I going to like these needs?" Jungkook winked, he liked messing with Taehyung already.

Taehyung's eyes narrowed, "That's very unprofessional Jungkook. I would advise you to refrain from saying anything of the sort from this point on. I will see you at dinner."

Jungkook watched him walk away and couldn't stop staring. This job might be better than he thought.

He went back to his room and watched tv until he heard a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" Jungkook questioned.

"I'm Yoongi. I was told to bring you down for dinner."

Jungkook thought that whole sentence sounded wrong, but he didn't have the urge to mess with him like he did with Mr. Taehyung.

Jungkook opened his door and saw the other butler standing there with a gummy smile. Yoongi turned and started walking down the hall.

Jungkook followed and couldn't help but wonder how this dinner was gonna go. He was looking forward to seeing Mr. Taehyung again, though. His new master was a sight for sore eyes.

When Yoongi and Jungkook made it to their destination (A/N: one of my favorite destinations because it involves food lmao. I'm a fat ass, ignore me) Yoongi took a turn and went into a different room. Jungkook wondered where he was going but not for long because his eyes met Taehyung's.

Taehyung was sitting at the table, staring at Jungkook. He couldn't get over the fact that he thought he had seen him somewhere before and was once again taken by surprise at how good looking his new butler was. Taehyung shook his head, he shouldn't be having these thoughts.

"Jungkook, come sit over there," Taehyung's father pointed to a seat as he came walking into the room.

Jungkook was so busy still staring at Taehyung that he almost didn't hear the man. He noticed that his seat was directly across from Taehyung.  He sat down and winked at his new master.

Taehyung scowled. He never once had a butler that acted like this towards him. Taehyung didn't know how to react.

"Okay everyone, you may now begin eating," Taehyung's father said as Jungkook was just noticing that Jin was sitting next to him.

Taehyung started eating but he could feel Jungkook's eyes on him and it started to annoy him. He hated when people watched him eat.

He looked up and glared at Jungkook. He felt a volcano of annoyance erupt inside of him when Jungkook responded with a smile. Or was it a volcano of butterflies? Or both? No. It was an actual volcano with actual fire and it would burn the butterflies. Hopefully.

Taehyung sighed internally when he realized he was going crazy.

His father interrupted his thoughts, "So, Jungkook, what do you think of my son?"

The food Jungkook was about to put into his mouth, fell back onto the plate. He cleared his throat and smiled, "I think your son is very attractive, sir."

The room turned into a confinement of silence. The ability to hear a pin drop, kind of silence.

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