Chapter 4

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Jungkook woke up to someone knocking on his door.

"Ugh, what do you want?!" He groaned.

"It's Yoongi. Taehyung told me to wake you up and tell you he's gonna be very upset if you don't learn how to set your alarm."

Oh shoot. Jungkook realized he had fallen asleep last night and forgot to set it. Fuck, he already thought Taehyung didn't think much of him. This surely wasn't gonna help.

"Okay, I'm up now. Tell him I'll be ready in like ten minutes," Jungkook told the other butler.

His shower definitely cracked his top three fastest showers ever. It was also the first time he had ever brushed his teeth in the shower. Oh well, first time for everything, right?

He remembered Taehyung telling him to wear something casual so he threw on black pants and a long sleeved white shirt.

Walking out of his room to find Taehyung, he saw the older with his arms wrapped around Jin. His master's eyes were teary, most likely because Jin was about to leave for the airport.

Jungkook wondered if Taehyung could ever care for him like that. He doubted it.

Taehyung let go of Jin and wished him a good trip, before Taehyung's father and Jin went out the front door.

Oh so Taehyung's father must be driving him to the airport. That's nice of him, Jungkook thought.

Taehyung turned and saw Jungkook standing there. He took in his butler's appearance and couldn't help but appreciate his good looks.

Jungkook smirked, noticing what his master was doing, "Are you ready to go, Mr. Taehyung?"

"If you don't remember correctly, I told you to call me Mr. Kim."

"Oh, I remember correctly."

Taehyung rolled his eyes, "Yes, I'm ready. I just need to grab my bag," he said as he walked over to the left corner of the room and bent down to get his bag.

Well shit

Jungkook had to avert his eyes because if he kept staring at Taehyung's ass he wouldn't be able to stop himself from going over there and claiming it in ways Taehyung couldn't even imagine.

Taehyung opened the door and turned around to look at Jungkook, "Well, are you coming?"


Jungkook coughed and shook his head to get rid of his inappropriate thoughts, "Yes, I'm right behind you."

He followed Taehyung to the car and got in the drivers side. Part of Jungkook's job as being Taehyung's butler was to drive him around wherever he wanted.

Taehyung told him to pull into this centre of cute little shops.

Jungkook saw someone pulling out of a really good parking space and waited for them to leave so he could fill the space.

He was glad that Taehyung wouldn't have to walk far and felt proud of himself.

Little steps, he thought.

The two got out and decided to go to the ice cream shop on the corner first.

Taehyung decided to get cookies and cream and looked up at Jungkook who wasn't ordering.

"What are you gonna get?" Taehyung asked his butler.

"I don't want anything. Besides I'm on the job."

"Nonsense. I order you to get something."

Jungkook looked at him, amused, "Are you serious?"

The older just nodded and his butler sighed, "Fine. I'll have chocolate."

Taehyung smiled and turned to the employee, watching him scoop the chocolate.

Jungkook thought this was adorable and stepped closer to his master, their shoulders brushing. If Taehyung noticed, he didn't act like it.

After they both had their ice cream, they walked out of the shop and started towards the next one.

"Oh shit," Taehyung suddenly stopped walking and Jungkook looked at him, confused.

"My ex is standing in front of that store over there!" Taehyung exclaimed as he pointed, then realized what he was doing and put his arm down.

Jungkook looked over at the store and saw a tall guy with blond hair standing there with his hands in his pockets. Suddenly the guy turned and looked in their direction.

"Quick, Jungkook, hold my hand!" Taehyung pleaded with his butler.


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