Chapter 16

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I found myself lost in a sea of people.

I have no clue what happened to Olly, but I'm sure he's okay.

I was up against a wall being smushed into it. And to be honest, it was starting to hurt.

"(Y/n)!" I heard Midoriya shout.

I then felt him grab my wrist and pull me towards the middle of the crowd.

Then, unexpectedly, I felt a comforting warmth start to grow from where he was holding me.

I looked and saw my wrist and his hand start to glow.

Crap!!! We're beginning to fuse! I can't let that happen or else it'll cause an even bigger panic.

I quickly yanked my hand from his and slightly pushed him away and bumped into someone else.

He looked at me a little heartbroken until he noticed my glowing wrist start to fade out.

Before he could speak, I began to feel weightless.

I noticed that I was rising above everyone. Then, I felt my head gently hit the ceiling.

"(Y/n)! I'm so sorry I'll get you back down!" Said Uraraka.

Just as she was about to release me Midoriya stopped her.

"Don't! If you were release her she would fall on the people below her. And I couldn't be able to catch her with all these people in the way."

"Ah, you're right Deku! Sorry (Y/n)! I'll have to keeps you up there until everything gets settled down."

I nodded to them and looked around. I looked through the window and saw that the paparazzi had gotten through the barricade and were now bombarding our teachers with questions.

"AH! Everyone stop! Slow down!" I heard. I looked over and saw Kirishima and Kaminari being slowly consume by all the people.

Wanting to help them, I made my way over to them.

"Kirishima! Kaminari! Hold on! I'm on way!!!"

I was almost there as Kaminari was pulled away by the people, making him lost in the crowd.

"Kirishima! Grab my hand." I felt him grab my hand to dear life. "I'll never let go! I'll never let go Kirishima!"

He was then ripped from my hands and I could only watch as he slowly sunk into the crowd.

I gave a light sobbed and mumbled I'll never let go once more.

Remembering about the press, I began to wonder if any one knew that we were all fine and we were all overreacting.

Well, obviously not since everyone is panicking.

I looked around once more and saw iida up against a window and Uraraka being smushed.

An then, I had an idea.

"Midoriya! I'm going to make Uraraka drop me on you!"

"Okay, I'll try!"

"Uraraka, once I get to Midoriya, release then make iida float. And iida, I'm sure you know what to do!

"I believe I do!"

Uraraka released me as soon as I got to Midoriya.

I felt two strong arms catch me, and then I was pulled into his chest.

I saw that I was in a bridal hold and began to blush. Well, at least he caught me.

"ENGINE BOOST" I heard iida shout. I then saw him zoom above the crowd and made it to the exit sign.

"Everyone! Everything is fine! It's just the media. There's nothing to panic about. Let's act in a way that benefiting the best of the best!"

And finally, everyone had settled down.


"N-Now let us decide on other class officers, but first I'd like to say something." Said Midoriya. "I think that Tenya iida should be the class rep instead of me.. he was able to get everyone's attention and made them settle down. I think it'd be best for iida to take my place."

"I think I speak for everyone, and I believe we all agree." I said.

"You're wasting time," Said our teacher in his yellow caterpillar suit. "I don't care what you do, just do it."

Iida then got up in front of the class. "I guess it can't be help. I will be your class rep!" He said proudly.

"Yeah! You go emergency sign iida!"


Fusion Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora