Chapter 40

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~8 years ago~

??? POV

The boy gave out blood curdling screams as he clutched his broken arm.

After leaving her son with All for One for who knows how long, Tenko finally brought the boy back in terrible conditions.

The women quickly gathered her child into her arms and set him down as gently as possible on her bed.

She then grabbed her child's tear stained face and gave him a kiss on the head. He instantly fell into a deep sleep that relieved him from the pain that he had endured.

Not even a second later, the women charged up to Tenko and slapped him in the face.

His mask ((hand???)) fell to the ground with a thud.

"H-How dare you!" She Shouted in his face. "You said you wouldn't let him hurt him!"

Tenko clenched his fists together, trying to compress his rage. "I told you I couldn't make any promises." He growled. "Besides, I don't do what you tell me." And with that, he left the room and slammed the door. After a second or two, she finally heard the lock to the door click, meaning that she was safe to do what she wanted.

She quickly went to her wardrobe and pulled down a med kick and raced to over to her crippled son who was still soundlessly asleep.

She cried to herself as she gently wrapped a bandage around his frail arm. As she did that she noticed gashes that went from his arms to his shoulders.

And as she got a closer look she noticed what seemed to look like two bumps between his shoulder blades.

She realized that those weren't there before. She carefully brought the boy up to a sitting position and hesitantly lifted the back of his shirt up.

Tears streamed down the women's face as she realized what the bumps were.

Right there was two tiny black wings, and as the light from a nearby lamp shined upon them they gave off a goldish tint.

In their family, no one had ever had a winged quirk. No one even had a quirk related to the flight.

She continued to sob as she brought her poor son into a protective hug.

Present Day

After saying thanks to my Calvary team, I told them good bye and went to go prepare for the next and final round.

Never once did I think I would make it this far. To be honest, I thought I would've failed in the first round. And I almost did if it hadn't been for the help from Izuku. But not only did I just get help from him, I had help from my other classmates and help from unlikely people, so because of them is why I'm here right now. And the support I've gotten from the people I love was also a huge help!

And speaking about the people I love, I saw my family. Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl And even Dad was there! As soon as the saw me they greeted me with open arms.

In excitement, I raced over to them and threw myself on top of the closest person who happened to be garnet. Luckily though it didn't affect her, she didn't even flinch! She must of predicted that I would do that.

"Hey guys!" I said in a cheerfully. But I didn't get to say much else when I was attacked by crushing hugs from my family.

Garnet effortlessly detached me from her and sat me down gently on the ground beside her and dad.

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