chapter 13

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A/N: Bad news guys. They changed our schedule and now our Sunday work will be extending 'til the second week of September so i won't be able to update TB&TP 1 'til then. Please, bear with me. I hope you understand. 

GAELLE woke up when she felt someone kissing her on the lips. She groaned in annoyance and pushed him away.

She's still so sleepy and she wanted to sleep more. She heard someone chortled and then she felt another kiss that landed on her lips. She opened her eyes and the smirking face of Kellan was the first thing that she saw.

"Good morning, chérie" her eyebrows creased and then looked around them. Her eyes went wide when she realized that they were no longer inside the car because they're already inside a beautiful room.

Kellan was already wearing a sleeveless shirt and shorts.

"Where are we?" she asked him confusedly. The last thing that she remember was they were inside the car, on their way to his vacation house in La Union. She wasn't in favor of his idea but she couldn't do anything but to just go on with the flow because he didn't let her escape.

"We're here in my vacation house. Welcome to La Union" He said as he went towards the Spanish style window. He pulled the curtain to the side and then opened the window. The very good weather and fresh provincial air greeted them.

She got off the bed and approached him who's still standing by the window. She took a look outside. She gasped in awe when she saw the breathtaking view.

She realized that Kellan's vacation house was on top of the hill and she could see the bluish ocean water not far from where they are. There were a lot of coconut trees around and their leaves were creating sounds as the gentle wind blows. She looked at the sea shore and she noticed that there was no one there.

"Why aren't there any people around?"

"Well, this is a private resort you won't see anyone there at the seashore. I actually just bought this property last month" She gaped at him.

"Why did you buy this property? I mean, La Union is far from Manila" she asked curiously. He shoved his hands inside the pockets of his shorts and then leaned back against the wall. He was staring at her intently that she suddenly felt uncomfortable. Not because she's scared but because of her body's reaction to his hot stare.

She cleared her thought and pretended to be focusing on the view outside.

"Well, I bought this property because I knew that one day, the woman I love would come back to me. I wanted to bring her here and spend days with her in this paradise" she felt like she suddenly lost the capability to think as her body went numb. She didn't know what to say nor how to react of what he said.

She didn't want to assume that she was the one he's referring to even though he told her a couple of times that he's still in love with her.

"I know that she really loves swimming in the sea and I want that whenever she goes to the sea to swim, it will be here because I'd like to be the only one who'd see her body while wearing swimsuit" Her cheeks flushed. Hey, just wait a minute, heart! Don't react like that because you might get embarrassed and disappointed if he's referring to someone else! Don't assume things!

"Aren't you going to ask me who I'm talking about?" she bit her bottom lip and then looked down.

She was about to answer when her stomach suddenly growled because of hunger. Her cheeks went red even more.

She heard Kellan's laugh and she leered at him.

"Where's the bathroom?" she asked him instead in order to hide the fact that she's already blushing hard.

Taking what's rightfully his (English version)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now