chapter 21

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I hope you like this chapter. Enjoy! 

GAELLE has a wide smile on her lips while staring at the engagement ring on her finger. Until now, she still couldn't believe what happened yesterday. It felt like she was still floating in the clouds because of so much happiness that she was feeling.

She couldn't believe that it was possible for her to feel this kind of happiness.

How couldn't she? Well, the man she loves just proposed to her yesterday. Yes. She and Kellan are now engaged to be married and because of it, her lips were almost tearing apart because of smiling too much.

"You look happy" Kellan commented as he threw her a glance before he turned his focus back to driving. She wasn't aware that he noticed her merry mood even though his attention was on driving.

"Of course, I'm happy right now" she smiled sweetly at her boyfriend. His eyes were sparkling with joy as well. He smiled back at her.

"Am I the reason of the happiness that you're feeling right now?" She rolled her eyes.

"And who else do you think the reason would be?" she asked, trying to sound sassy even though she was amused. He laughed at her but then he became serious right away.

"Well, I knew since this morning that I was the reason of your merry mood, chérie. You've been like that since you woke up this morning even though you weren't feeling well. Anyway, are you feeling better now?" he asked worriedly.

"Yup. I'm fine now. Maybe, it's just because of lack of sleep and maybe, it's because I've been feeling kinda nervous since last night that's why I woke up feeling like that. But you don't have to worry, chéri. I'm okay now" she said. She had been feeling nervous since yesterday because they're finally going back home. She and Kellan were planning to tell their families about their relationship.

She stared at him. She could still see the worry on his face for her because he kept on glancing at her direction from time to time. She smiled. He's such a worrywart. Ever since this morning, he kept on asking her if she was fine. She smiled inwardly at the thought. This is one of the traits of Kellan that didn't change one bit ever since they first met.

He was still the kind, thoughtful and loving man that she fell in love with years ago.

She observed herself if she was completely fine but she was. Aside from feeling hungry a little bit, everything felt normal.

They almost cancelled their trip of going back home to Manila because she wasn't feeling well again. She woke up feeling nauseated that she stayed inside the washroom for how many minutes because she kept on vomiting. After that, she went back to bed because she felt like she didn't have any strength left after vomiting. She stayed in bed because she didn't have any strength to get up until she fell asleep again.

Thankfully, she felt fine the moment she woke up again. She was amused of Kellan because he was panicking and kept on insisting to bring her to the hospital.

He kept on insisting for them to cancel their plan of going back home too because of her state but she was the one who insisted for them go home like their original plan. She really wanted to face her mother and sister right away. Yes, she was a little bit worried and nervous of what might their reaction would be but she was hoping that they would accept their relationship. They're not doing anything wrong anyway.

She and Kellan were not hurting anyone because of their relationship. They're both single and not committed to anyone else that's why they're free to love each other.

"Just inform me right away if you feel something unpleasant so that we can go to the hospital" She nodded her head. She leaned her head against the headrest and looked at outside. Then after a couple of seconds, she glanced at the ring that Kellan gave to her again. She couldn't help it.

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