chapter 26

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A/N: Hi guys! I know that some of you are getting annoyed at Gaelle for always choosing to forgive Kellan but we should also try to understand her. People don't have the same way of thinking. She's the kind of person who loves way too much. I also hate weak women and i have met a few women who were a lot worse than her but this is Gaelle we're talking about. She has her own character and we have ours. Something like that...LOL...Well, let's just see what will happen next to these two because there are 10 more chapters remaining! 

KELLAN slowly opened the door of their room. Yes, he and Gaelle have been sharing the same room ever since they came back to Manila. Even though their mother wasn't really in-favor of that arrangement at first but nevertheless, she agreed to it because Gaelle was already pregnant. Her purpose was, she wanted him to stay with Gaelle so that if she needed something and an emergency happens, someone could help her right away.

Even though Gaelle was irritated because of how protective they were being when it comes to her, she couldn't do anything because there were three of them who were worried about her condition. The excitement on Jillian and his step-mother's face was undeniable because of the baby on the way.

They never had the chance to be with Brett except when he was still a baby. They just saw the child when Beatrice has just given birth to him at the hospital. After that, she actually let them have Brett during weekends but she changed her mind on that kind of set-up because of her wrath against Gaelle; even though Gaelle was already long gone that time. Beatrice was so mad because he couldn't love her back the way he loved Gaelle.

Beatrice had long denied them Brett because he didn't agree to her condition. Even he, was excited to see his and Gaelle's child already and experience how to take care of him/her because he couldn't even do that to his first born. That was painful for him as a father that's why even though he didn't want to see Beatrice, he was just enduring her presence just to see Brett.

Kellan didn't know that he could be this patient. He could use his money and power to steal Brett away from Beatrice but he couldn't do that to his own son.

When he closed the door, he stealthily strode his way towards the bed where Gaelle was sleeping. She was lying on her side and her back was facing his direction that's why he wasn't sure if she was already asleep or not yet. But when he sat on the edge of the bed and she didn't react nor turned around to look at him, he realized that she was already asleep.

He heaved a deep sigh. He felt so bad and guilty. It was already past 10 pm and she might fell asleep while waiting for him.

When he dropped Brett and Beatrice by to their place, he wanted to leave right away but Brett woke up when he lifted him up from his car seat and carried him inside the house. When he told Brett that he would go home, he stopped him from leaving right away. He requested for him to tuck him to bed. He didn't want to stay longer but he didn't want to leave Brett sad like that. He knew that Brett misses him too that's why he stayed a little bit longer.

He couldn't do anything when Brett pulled his hand and asked him to join them for dinner. Even though he didn't have an appetite, he did it for his son. After that, he helped Brett clean himself and then read him a bed time story.

Yes, he felt happy about it because it was his first time to do such things to his son but he couldn't help but to feel sad at the same time while thinking about Gaelle.

He went to the other side of the bed and quietly sat beside Gaelle. He gently kissed her on the forehead and then stared at her beautiful face. He could see that she was disgruntled about what happened today. Kellan wanted to punch himself because he did nothing but to hurt her.

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