A mother's dying wish

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1918, Chicago Hospital

It is the year of 1918, Carlisle and Natalia have been working night shifts in the Chicago hospital when the Spanish influenza epidemic is happening. It infected 500 million people around the world, including people on remote Pacific islands and in the Arctic resulting in the deaths of 50 to 100 million.

Natalia and Carlisle have had their hands full of work with so many people affected by the sickness. Every time a new patient would come the young girl's dead heart would break ever so often. She felt bad that she was immune, she felt bad that while all these people were suffering and doing everything that they could do to stay alive she was perfectly fine.

The young blonde and Carlisle were on their way to one of the patients she cared deeply for, some would say too much. Elizabeth Masen was a woman who dedicated her whole life to her family. That must have been the reason as to why Natalia cared so much for her. It was because Elizabeth was what everyone thought of when you said the word mother. She has beautiful brown locks and green eyes that would remind Natalia of her eyes way back when she was still a human.

She likes to believe that her mother was in some way like her. The blonde vampire never met her mother for she died a year after her birth. She heard stories and saw pictures of her but no stories can replace the feeling of being held in her mother's arms. When she was human and she was still able to sleep she would imagine what it would be like if her mother was still alive, now she would wonder if she would have gotten sick. Would she have still become a vampire? These are just some of the many questions the young girl thought about.

The two vampires opened the door and entered the room to see the sick woman lying in her bed looking like she was only minutes away from dying. Natalia's eyes widened as she ran up to the women's side.

"Mrs. Masen? Ma'am? Please, do you hear me?" The girl's eyes travelled each inch of the woman's face for any sign of life. She always took it hard when they had a patient dying but this time it was harder.

The older woman's eyes opened and when she saw the girl's golden eyes she couldn't help but smile because her son's chance to live was standing right in front of her.

"Please my sweet girl, what others cannot do, this is what you must do for my Edward." As the last words left the older woman's mouth she closed her eyes while Natalia's widened from hearing those words. She looked back at Carlisle to see his facial expression matching hers. She looked back at the woman who had a severe temperature and she let out a deep breath. Natalia caressed the woman's hair as her heart broke.

"You heard her Carlisle...we must do it." His eyes widened shocked by the girl's words. She has always been against changing someone just like him. They had the same views on this.

"Natalia, my dear you know we can't-" He was cut off by the loudness of the blonde's voice and heard the sound of distress behind it.

"Please Carlisle! If you won't do it I will. You did it for me! Why can't you do it for him!" Why couldn't he? That was a question that he had no answer for. He looked the younger girl in the eyes and couldn't do anything else but nod. He knew she wouldn't let this pass if he didn't do it. Natalia barely ever raised her voice but when she did it was only when she stood behind something with her whole heart.

"Alright, as you wish." Carlisle turned around with a happy Natalia following after him. She couldn't be more ecstatic. She couldn't save the woman so if saving her son would mean she would pay back her debt to her then so be it.

Carlisle and Natalia took Edward from the hospital and brought him to their house where he was getting ready to transform him. Carlisle was nervous about what he was about to do. Sure he did it before but it was 158 years ago, even though he was immortal 158 years is a lot. The blonde caught his distress and put her hand on his shoulder with a small smile that made all the nerves go away.

"It's time Carlisle, it's either now or never." Carlisle took a deep breath and got a hold of Edwards' arm. He took a second while looking at the young boy's face before digging his fangs through his skin causing Edward to make a piercing scream that brought back memories from when he changed Natalia.

The blonde didn't even flinch when the piercing scream travelled through the building, instead, she smiled, she smiled a sweet smile knowing everything was going to be alright.

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