No one else

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Bella watched from her position on the couch as Natalia and Seth spoke outside in front of the woods. Seeing the two teens laugh together brought a smile to the pregnant woman's face. When Natalia was around Seth Bella saw a completely different person, when she was around Seth Natalia had this radiating aura around her that made her look like she was glowing. Natalia always had the personality and looks that made everyone attracted to her in some way but when she was around Seth and you saw the smile that was on her lips it would make even someone in the worst mood smile. When she heard Edward walking in she smiled at him while she tried to sit up with her baby bump giving her some issues.

"They look good together...They would be a nice couple." When Bella said that Edward laughed lightly watching his sister laughing with the young boy. It was good to see her laugh that way again, everyone in the household was always worried that they would never see the girl she was before New Orleans again, but with Seth's help, she was slowly becoming the girl she once was.

"I know, I heard his thoughts multiple times and since the day he imprinted she is normally all he thinks about." In the beginning when Edward found out that the younger boy imprinted on his sister it worried him, he was worried about her. He thought it would be too much for her to handle, but he had underestimated her again.  Bella looks up at Edward with her eyes furrowed.

"And Natalia? Does she think about him too?" Edward stares at his wife with a thinking expression before nodding.

"She does. But it's not the same. Nowhere near the same. She cares about him a lot too but not in the same way. He cares about her in the same way I care about you. He watches her with pure admiration in his eyes." He stays silent for a second watching the two teens outside. "While she cares about him differently. Yes, she cares about him and yes she's ready to die for him. She feels something strong towards him but it's not the same. She doesn't romantically see him as he does. And this is what truly shows that he loves her. Because he's ready to suffer emotional pain from the fact that she doesn't feel the same if it means she is happy. They will always be there for each other that's for sure." Bella looks back at the blonde and she remembers something.

"Her mate, she once mentioned she had a mate?" Since the moment she found out that Natalia had already found her mate the brunette became interested in him. Yes, she might have been nosey about it, too nosey sometimes but she just couldn't help it. She never heard anyone talk about the boy unless she mentioned him first as if just the topic itself was like a taboo subject in the Cullen's house, especially around Natalia.

Edward nods chuckling lightly. "Yes, she still does. He's still alive." Bella fixes her position to be looking straight at Edward getting more interested in the boy every second. Bella had always just presumed that the boy had died and that was the reason why he wasn't with Natalia. If only she knew that the real reason was much more complicated than she could even imagine possible. She hasn't even scratched the surface.

"What was he like?" Edward sighs remembering the boy before a little laugh escapes his lips when he remembers memories about the boy.

"He's bad, he has this dark aura around him with jet black hair that makes him the more intimidating but charismatic. He was able to have people falling down to his feet with only one smile. But he never cared, he doesn't care because no one taught him how to, he was able to kill groups of people without feeling any kind of remorse." Bella's eyes widened shocked, she could never imagine someone as sweet and gentle as Natalia to be with someone like him.

Whenever Bella imagined Natalia's mate she pictured a boy with sandy blonde hair, a goofy smile and eyes that looked like he was smiling. She always pictured the good boy next door type, the one who would help the older lady cross the road and would be involved in volunteering. What Edward was describing wasn't what she expected.

"It sounds like he is nothing but trouble."

"Trouble yes." He nodded "But not nothing, he was never nothing to her. You see, when it came to her, he wanted to be the best man. He couldn't bear the thought of her being hurt by him... or by anyone else. He would kill to protect her, the girl who cared about him."

"But in the end, he still ended up being the one to hurt her?" Edward stared in the distance when his wife said this, it seemed like he knew more than he was saying. He shakes his head chuckling dryly before looking down at Bella.

"Yes, well things happen, and lies have to be told." Bella looks back at the two teens who are still enjoying each other company.

"I guess what they said about opposites attracting was true." Edward nodded letting a little laugh come out.

"Yes, she was an angel that fell in love with a devil." Bella looks about from the two laughing teens and over at her husband with a raised eyebrow.

"Was she ever able to love again?" Edward smiled lightly not really knowing how to answer that question for there wasn't a right answer. She never felt that kind of love before meeting her mate.

"Over the many years of my sister's existence, she had many admirers. There was even a WW2 soldier she knew before him, he was so excited to come back after the war for the promised dance but unfortunately, he never got it. He died on the battlefield loving her. But even the soldier wasn't able to make her feel that kind of love. No one was except him."


Ps. My updating schedule is every three days but if a chapter hits 100 votes I update pretty much right away when it hits 100.

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