Happy Ending?

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The moment Bella threw the fired torch at Aro's face the vision ended. He knew that if he agreed to this it would be the end of him and his rules. He had no other choice.

Aro pulled his hand away from Alice's grasp and his eyes started to glance frantically at each of the present vampires. His eyes lingered over Natalia who watched the man in her mate's embrace and the wolf's protective stance not knowing that he had just seen her death.

He had seen enough and when he looked over at Edward who also saw the vision he saw him wearing a smug smile masking the true emotions that he was feeling.

He truly felt numb inside, yes they would have defeated the Volturi but for what cost? Carlisle would have died and more importantly to him Natalia. She wasn't just someone he lived in the same house as or known for many years, she was like a little sister he never had. The sight of her dying will be something that will stay in the back of his mind like a nightmare eating him out every time something bad happens.

She has always been there for him, when he first started off as a newborn she would stay with him instead of doing her job which she loved with a passion for him. She always thought about other people instead of her. This fact made his heart clench even more in his chest, the way she died in the vision wasn't the way someone as good-hearted as her should pass.

He will definitely not be telling Natalia and especially Ace or Seth about what he saw, it would crush them all. He can already imagine Ace's and Seth's reaction, they would definitely be blaming themselves for not doing anything, even though it was only a vision they would most likely not be able to process the fact that they wouldn't have been able to save her. And Natalia... she doesn't need to live on knowing that she came so close to dying again, it's not something she needs.

Everyone was watching each other waiting for Aro's verdict. In all honesty, it was starting to bore Ace wanting all of this to just be over. The whole suspension was just getting boring for him, and Alec's gaze on Natalia who never left was also starting to get on his nerves.

"Now you know. That's your future. Unless you decide on another course." Alice said with a stone expression. Caius seeing how Aro was thinking over all of his decisions decided to step in.

"We cannot alter our course. The child still poses a grave threat."

"But what if you were sure she could remain concealed from the human world? Could we leave in peace?" Both kings looked over in Edward's direction.

"Of course. But that cannot be known." Caius said as Alice turned around and started to walk away. Edward who had already read Alice's thought knew that it could.

"Actually, it can." Bella looked up at her husband confused while Natalia looked in her brother's direction excitedly.

The sound of two upcoming figures made everyone look in the direction of the forest once again and this time they saw an unknown man and woman who wore some sort of tribal clothes. They both had long black hair with the man's in a braid. As the two walked between the Cullen's witnesses Ace pulled Natalia in a little closer not caring if Edward and Alice trusted these people. He didn't know them and wasn't going to risk it.

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