Those Red Eyes

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The diamond dress shined bright, it framed the short girl's body beautifully just like it was her second skin. Her golden eyes scanned over her body with a small smile on her face. It was a dress she got back in the '60s when they lived here and it brought back memories of seeing herself in it, especially from the leftover slight red tint the dress had.

Her brows furrowed when one memory came back into her mind. It was the memory of what happened after the show. The image of that night flashed brightly in front of her eyes like lightning making all the emotions come back just as if she was reliving the moments again.

Back in the 60's these shows were something only the rich and snobby people of New Orleans were able to afford. Most of them had done some bad things either to make themselves rich or just for pure enjoyment. This sort of attitude didn't really work for the guys in the band so they got an idea.

Each time they would play a show they would pick someone in the hall that they thought was no more than a no-good low life. They picked the people who committed crimes but because of their money and status, they came out without a scratch.

When they picked their victim they would kill them by sucking out the blood from their veins as a punishment for their actions.

She shook her head trying to forget those times and walked over to the curtain. She peeked onto the stage to see Jeremy sitting by the piano on the stage only waiting for her to come out. She looked away from him and into the crowd to see the people chatting with each other happily. Not knowing that they just walked into a vampire's den.

The blonde closed her eyes before opening them slowly and stepping out onto the dark stage. She looked to her right at Jeremy who was smirking while glancing at the audience with his now brown eyes from his contact lenses. He was more than excited to play again with her, to him she was like a younger sister that he hadn't seen in a very long time. He looks to the front and winks at someone before placing his hands over the keys and starts to play slowly causing the people to stop talking between each other and focus on the stage. The lights shine on Natalia causing her dress to sparkle making her look like an actual diamond, giving the whole moment a more 60's vibe. Natalia takes a deep breath before the words of the song spill out of her mouth.

"Wish I could, I could've said goodbye

I would've said what I wanted to

Maybe even cried for you

If I knew it would be the last time

I would've broke my heart in two

Tryin' to save a part of you"

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