Pure Smile

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When Natalia got back to the house she was met with a sleeping Jacob on the couch and Rosalie holding baby Renesmee in her arms by the fireplace causing a smile to appear on Natalia's face. As Natalia placed her bag on the dresser it made Rosalie look up in the direction from where the girl came and smile.

"Hey," Rosalie said softly not wanting to wake up the baby. Walking over to the couch which Rosalie was sitting on Natalia sat beside her while looking down at the sleeping girl.

"Hey... Where are Edward and Bella?" When Natalia walked in she was surprised not to see Bella sitting by Renesmee with Edward by her side.

"They went over to see the new house." When Rosalie said that she looked over at her sister with a knowing look causing the two to share a quiet laugh not wanting to wake up Renesmee or Jacob.

Sighing Natalia leaned back on the couch while looking at the baby with a small smile.

Everything was great right now, they're life has finally come to a calm moment. Of course, Natalia knew that now with the fact that Bella had changed into a vampire, they would need to move again so no one would see her. Natalia wasn't sad nor excited about the thought of leaving, she knew she wouldn't go with her family but go back to New Orleans and for some time have a life away from her family, especially now that Edward has his own family.

The only thing that made her sad about the thought of leaving was Seth, they spoke about her leaving before but she still knew he would hurt. It's not that she doesn't want him to go with her because if he asked about it she would say yes it's just the fact that he's still so young. Natalia didn't want his whole life to be centred around her, she wanted him to follow his dreams and if these dreams were going to college then to do that. He hasn't even finished High School yet and in her eyes, he would need to at least finish that.

There was also the fact about his pack and family, she just couldn't do that to Leah and Sue. She couldn't take him away from his family. That would just be too selfish.

Besides, Natalia wasn't sure how Althea and Jeremy would react to her friend, they obviously knew about the shapeshifter but it would have been different if they met face to face.

Noticing that her sister had grown quiet Rosalie looked over at Natalia to see her spaced out with a small smile on her face. But Rosalie was always able to look past that pure smile, she must have been one of the best people when it came to reading Natalia's emotions the most. Some would even say she was better than Edward.

Natalia would deny it whenever Rose tried to talk about it, but Rosalie saw it every time. The fake smiles, trying to convince everybody she was perfectly fine. There were moments when Natalia smiled but something felt wrong, like a little crook over her mouth, coming from deep inside her soul.

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