A Shield

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Natalia walked up the steps into Bella's and Edward's house which was located a little bit further in the forest. The house looked like a cut out from Architects Today magazine. It was beautiful. But not in the olde-worlde quaint kind of way she was usually drawn to. Everything was geometric, which you could say about almost any pitched roof abode with square windows, but in this house, you couldn't help but notice it. The windows were large to let in maximum light but fashioned so well that the home stayed warm in the wintertime. Every line was clean and straight. The roof line didn't peak in the centre as was the fashion in the previous decade but instead sloped to the left. peaking a couple of meters from the edge.

As Natalia entered the house she excepted to be met with silence, only the soft sound of Renesmee's breath as she slept soundly but that was not the case. Gently closing the door Natalia walked down the hallway in the direction of Nessie's room. When the room came to her view Natalia could see that it was slightly open, just enough for a bit of light to come out of it confusing Natalia because Renesmee should have been sleeping.

Should have because it appeared that the little girl had different plans than her mother.

Natalia gently opened the door making sure that it didn't make any noise, and when she looked into the room she could see her niece sitting with her knees up by her chest on the bed with only the small desk lamp on her bedside table shining. Entering the room with her eyebrows furrowed Natalia decided to finally speak up.

"Nessie why are you still awake?" The girl looked up at her aunt and sent her a tiny smile which Natalia didn't buy at all and knew that something was definitely going on and she wouldn't leave the room until she knew what was bugging Nessie.

"I'm not sleepy." The comment made the older girl laugh as she raised her brow and crossed her arms before looking back at Renesmee.

"Well, I find that hard to believe." When Renesmee stayed silent diverting her eyes onto her toes Natalia let out a sigh and moved over to Renesmee. Natalia sat down beside her with one of her arms over Renesmee's shoulder so the smaller girl was more so leaning into her aunt's side.

"Alright darling, I want you to close your eyes." Renesmee only looked over at her aunt confused not really understanding where she was going with all of this. Seeing the confused expression on her face Natalia grinned laughing.

"Well come on." Sighing Renesmee closed her eyes and cuddled more into Natalia's side making the older girl smile proudly and gently start caressing Renesmee's hair.

"Now, how about you tell me what you're holding inside right now?" There was a moment of silence in the room but Natalia didn't speak up again. She knew that Renesmee heard her perfectly well but just couldn't let the words out of her mouth. The blonde knowing exactly what the feeling was like she just stayed silent waiting for the moment that Renesmee would finally be able to speak up.

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