Reliving it

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Patience was always something Natalia was good at. She was never in a hurry knowing if something was to happen it would and if waiting a little meant it would happen then so be it.

But today was different.

She was standing in the middle of the dark forest with the rest of the coven in a circle waiting for Alice to give them a sign that Victoria was near. The blonde crossed her arms over her chest with her eyes scanning the area. There weren't many moments where the girl was this deadly quiet and serious. But this was a completely different situation, it was about someone threatening her family. Even if the blonde lately wasn't the biggest fan of Bella she still cared for the human.

"Are you sure this is where you saw her?" As Carlisle asked that question Natalia tared her eyes from the forest to look at Alice as Jasper moved over to her.

"She's almost here." Alice's answer made Natalia straighten her back preparing herself to run.

The silence with only a few crow sounds is disturbed by Alice's unsteady voice.

"On your left!" Not waiting any second longer the blonde and her family took off at an un-human speed after the red-haired vampire.

Emmett was leading the way with Rosalie and Natalia running at the same speed behind him and the rest of the family behind the two girls. The ends of Victoria's fire-red hair were all that Natalia focused on trying to quicken her paste.

Emmett was able to get only a hand reach away from Victoria outstretching his arm to grab on to her but with no luck because she grabbed his arm and threw him away.

Natalia saw this and knew that jumping through the tree branches would be more efficient. So the blonde gracefully and quietly jumped into the trees and after the redhead. This way she could jump from the top of the trees down at her without her noticing. All she had to do was jump faster.

She was close to Victoria as they got closer to the end of the cliff. Natalia jumped off the trees quietly just as Victoria jumped off the cliff onto the wolf territory and she was just about to jump after her but she was stopped by Carlisle's hand that stopped her.

"Wait, she's on their territory." The Olympic coven ran on the side of the cliff watching as Victoria ran on the wolf side freely frustrating Natalia.

"She'll get away!" As Natalia said that the wolves came out and started to chase after Victoria.

"No, she won't!" Jasper replied back to his sister with frustration and determination lacing through his words. The two wolfs were dangerously close to Victoria coming really close to ripping her apart but not succeeding because of her speed. They were just about to bite her when she jumped off the cliff back into the Cullen's territory.

Leading the way Natalia saw this and jumped back into the trees as Jasper and Emmett were below her. Emmett and Jasper were getting closer to her so Victoria used the trees to bounce off the ground and into the air to get away from them. Seeing this Natalia jumped off the tree at Victoria to catch her but with no luck because she flew over her and landed on her knees in the ground. She looked back up with her black eyes and started to run again.

They were getting closer to the cliffs that separated the territory again. Victoria once again jumped onto the wolf's side. It was like Rosalie knew exactly what Emmett was meaning to do because she shouted at him.

"Emmett no!" Not listening to Rosalie and just wanting to have the redhead dead he jumped over the river and as he was about to get to the other side a silvery white wolf stopped him causing Emmett to fall into the river letting Victoria go.

Emmett stood back up angrily panting as the rest of the family arrived. Natalia's eyes travelled over to the wolf and her breath hitched.

It was like she was reliving the day they first came to Forks... With an angry wolf in front of her with its mouth wide open about to attack. The only difference was that this wolf wasn't as big nor black but still as terrifying.

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