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              Well, Captain FUCKING America in disguise, anyways. Peter sighed, knowing that his doom was approaching. "Hey Peter!" The man yelled quietly. "What's up! Clint told me that you were down here advocating for justice and no discrimination!" Ned stared at Peter for a second. "Is that Captain America?!" He whispered. "Yep. Captain FUCKING America," Peter replied unenthusiastically. Steve gasped. "LANGUAGE!" He said scoldingly. "Yeah, sorry Mr. Rogers. What did you say Clint told you I was advocating for?" "Justice and nondiscrimination, right?" Peter groaned. "He's lying. I'm here on a field trip, remember?" He explained. "Ohhh, yeah! I'm sorry about that!" Steve whispered. "Is that THE Captain America?" Someone yelled among the crowd of Midtown High School students. Steve sighed, and put away his "disguise": sunglasses and a baseball cap. "Hey Mr. Rogers," MJ said with a laugh. "I guess I see why they called you Team 'Cap'!" Steve smiled at her. "MJ, right? I've seen you and Ned here at the tower before, and Peter talks about you a lot," Michelle smiled. "All good things, right?" She checked. "Of course. How are you Ned?" Steve asked. "I'm fine Mr. Rogers!" Ned stammered. "Please, it's Steve. That goes for you, too, MJ." Ned smiled widely. "Anyways, I have to go. Sparring and stuff, right? See ya, Peter, Ned, MJ." The star spangled man with a plan then turned and walked into an elevator, the doors shutting behind him.

              As soon as he was gone, Flash stalked up to Peter. "Everyone knows that was fake. There are lots of tall, blond men in the world. No one believes you, Parker," He hissed. "Whatever you want to believe, Flash," Peter sighed. "Oh I will believe what I want to: The TRUTH! That you are a no-good liar!" The boy stepped back and vanished into the crowd. "Okay then!" Amaya said awkwardly. "We will now go visit some of the labs: one that Dr. Bruce Banner is currently working on!" The school filed out of the lobby and into the elevators. "Peter, you talked to Captain America about me?" Ned whispered to him. "Yeah, you're my man. My best friend. Of course I will!" Peter laughed. The doors slid open, and Dr. Bruce Banner ran up to Peter hurriedly. "Peter, you have to help me! You're really good at checking over these equations, and you have perfect timing! Follow me!" Peter looked awkwardly at Ms. Warner, who waved a hand like: 'Go, just come back, I won't question it'. Peter ran after Bruce. "Please check this over, since the equation keeps getting stuck and won't let the machine function!" The boy scanned the long lines of numbers. "Well, according to the Binomial Theorem, these integers should be here. The Cofactor Matrix makes that impossible though, so if you adjust the complex plane, then the polynomials will allow those to work together." Peter typed in some changes. "Also, if you take in the Gaussian Elimination, the invariant has to be 7, which makes the limaçon a cardioid. Then, the set union will be 9, which should allow the vertical ellipse to dilate, causing the serum to work!" He announced triumphantly. Bruce stared at him. "Kid, you're a genius!" Peter grinned, then ran back to his classmates.

"Hi, I'm back!" The boy said unnecessarily. "Um... Peter why are all of these kids here?" Dr. Banner asked curiously. "The field trip? Remember?" Bruce nodded. "Oh shoot. Sorry, Peter, I didn't mean to do that..." The scientist trailed off. "It's fine!" Peter said cheerfully. "Anyways, welcome to the labs, Midtown High! Today, you will be building a robot with the materials you have here. It needs to be able to be controlled and run smoothly. Bonus if it can interact otherwise with the environment. As Michelle, Ned, and Peter designed the basic blueprints that you will be using, they will not be able to participate. In honor of their hard work, please get in trios! Your materials available are in these bins!" Bruce swept a hand toward 3 large containers in the back corner. "Winners get a prize!" Students clustered together, talking and grabbing spare parts.

Loud clanging echoed above them. Clint.  Peter mouthed to MJ and Ned. They nodded in agreement and stepped back. The boy held up three fingers and counted down. 3... 2... 1... The vent crashed to the ground and one purple and black clad archer with a black bow strapped to his back, which was over an odd silver backpack, fell with it. "PETER, MY MAIN MAN, MY MAGNIFICENT NERD!" He yelled. Causing some people to glance over and then look back, obviously unable to see the man sprawled on the floor, and assuming Ned had hollered that. "Clint, my second man, go back to the vents where you came from!" Peter whispered. Clint stood up and brushed himself off. "SECOND man?" He demanded. "Yeah. Ned is my main man, right?" Peter grinned. "I am HURT!" The archer proclaimed. Now a crap ton of students were staring. Clint leaned up to Ned and whispered something that sounded like "Sleep with one eye open," Ned just laughed it off. "Peter told me you'd say that." Clint just scoffed. "Fine then! I guess I WON'T give you the cookies that Bucky made!" He huffed. Peter gasped, drawing it out. "I CHANGED MY MIND, YOU'RE MY MAIN MAN! GIMME THE COOKIES!" Clint laughed and threw a a tub of cookies at him. Yes, not to him. At him. Peter grabbed the container a second before it hit his face. "Thanks, Katniss," He said mockingly. "You little shit!" Clint yelled, lunging for him. Peter simply ducked and twisted away from his outstretched hands. "You'll never get me!" The boy exclaimed triumphantly. "It must be nice to have the spidey sense on your side..." The archer muttered. "It is!" Peter reassured him. "It makes it impossible to steal his stuff!" MJ complained. "CLINT!!!!" A voice yelled from outside the labs. "Oh fuck, it's Bucky. I stole his arm," Clint revealed Bucky's metal arm inside the backpack that he was wearing. "Anyways, I gotta go. See ya later Peter, Ned, MJ!" The man promptly jumped up into the vents and r̶a̶n̶ crawled away through the ventilation shafts. Bucky, who you could see through the windows, groaned, and ran back into the elevators with a wave at Peter.

Peter covertly looked around and saw Cindy and Abe staring at them, but thankfully the rest of the students were focused on their projects: in it to win it, as Tony would say. "Okay! Everybody, you have 1 minute left!" Dr. Banner announced. There was an eruption of talking. One girl even let out a frantic yell. Cindy, Abe, and a boy named Jason were working together, but their motor was hopelessly misaligned, and it would make the bot go backwards. Peter, feeling bad, motioned to Cindy to come over. "Adjust the motor mechanism to align with the pipes. Your lift mechanism is clever, though," He whispered. Cindy grinned. "Thanks Peter!" She whispered, and hurried back to her table to share the advice. Bruce gave him a look of pride, and then announced: "Your time is now up! Everybody, step back from your worktables and collect the controllers that you hopefully synced to your bot." Abe reached out and grabbed a classic video game controller. Flash got a simple joystick. Other students just got assorted types of controllers. "Please place your bots on the floor beside your worktable." Everyone did so. "Now, using the synced controllers, please navigate your robot to join me in the center of this circle." They all pressed down on the various buttons available to them. Abe got the robot moving and it sped toward the center. Betty Brant's robot sputtered slightly as it moved, but it got there nonetheless. Sally Avril's robot refused to move. Charlie Murphy's robot made it, too. Then Flash's robot made it halfway there, sputtered out, and refused to move again. The class laughed slightly and the boy yelled: "At least mine moved!" Sally Avril and her group flushed slightly. None of the other groups' robots made it to the circle.

"Good job! Now, do your robots have any other functions?" Bruce asked. Cindy raised her hand. "Ours can clean up after people or go on auto mode or reach things that are stuck in low places. It has a lift mechanism to help perform those tasks." Cindy smiled slightly at Peter when she said that. Charles stared at Cindy. "Um, ours can, uh, push things around and transport them short distances on even ground?" He said, obviously floundering for ideas. Even Bruce, kind Bruce, raised an eyebrow at that obviously on-the-spot thinking. "Well, let me confer with the judges..." Dr. Banner said. He gestured for MJ, Ned, and Peter to approach. "Wha- we didn't know that-" Peter exclaimed. "Come on, losers!" MJ said, dragging the two boys over. "I vote for that black haired girl's group," Bruce said to them. "But then, you also helped her, so what do you think?" He added. "Well, they could have easily made it to the circle anyways by flipping the controller over," Ned pointed out. "Besides, they didn't lie about having created other tasks that the bots could complete." Banner smiled a bit. "Good thinking. Okay everyone!" He said, raising his voice. "The winners are: Cindy Moon, Abraham Brown, and Jason Ionello! Come up and collect this certificate! Before you go, you may go into the gift shop and collect one item - any item - and purchase it with this coupon!" Cindy giggled, Abe let out a whoop of excitement, and Jason pumped his fist in the air. "Thank you Dr. Banner!" Cindy smiled softly.

The group exited the labs, and Flash began to approach Peter. MJ stepped in front of him. "One word - just one - and I'll kill you dead. Right here. Right now." She hissed. A/N: This is actually something that MJ says in the comics: In Issue 44 of the Amazing Spider-Man 1999 edition. Except in that she says it to Peter, but whatever. "You don't scare me," Flash scoffed. "Danger is my middle name. I have it monogrammed on all of my towels," MJ spat. Also a comic quote. Flash laughed incredulously. "Kill. You. Dead." MJ reminded him. The boy backed off.

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