Phone Calls

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What's a Peter Parker one shot book without one of these?

Flash is kinda a real asshole in this. Sorry guys I normally hate stereotyping him into the idiotic category, but he kinda starts out with very few braincells until he realizes his miscalculations.

Peter is not an official Stark but Tony basically considers him one, unbeknownst to Peter.

Infinity War happened but I fixed Endgame

This one may be kinda short, I'm running low on time.

Peter groaned as he slid down in his chair in Physics. "Why am I here again?" He muttered to Ned.

Their teacher - Mr. Allen was an asshole, and that was the nicest way Peter could put it.

There was this one incredibly stupid rule in the teacher's classroom: if you hear a phone ring, then it must be answered on speaker.

Now, Peter was fairly sure that was a violation of privacy rights, if not illegal, but apparently in a classroom, new laws are made.

He had never thought that he would be the one subjected to the rule.

Of course, shortly after meeting Tony, Peter should have realized that not everything was going to be that straightforward.

It was right in the middle of a lecture when Peter's phone started buzzing. Ned looked over at the slight noise that Mr. Allen, at the front of the classroom, couldn't hear.

"Karen, cancel the call," Peter muttered underneath his breath. "I cannot do that. Mr. Stark is pushing the call through using the Ringtone Protocol - he doesn't know if you have it on you."

Peter had a split second to regret every single one of his life choices before Back in Black blasted from his phone, and the class fell silent. Every single person had turned to stare, eyes wide, at the person least likely to interrupt a class.

Mr. Allen fixed him with a glare. "Mr. Parker!" He exclaimed, voice a mixture of smugness, anger, and surprise. "You know what the rule is."

"Sir, it's a call from my boss, it's really nothing," Peter tried to protest, only to be cut off. "Answer. The. Phone." 

"But-" To cut off Peter again, Tony had decided to join the conversation. "Hey kid, we're in a really bad position right now and we need you to come help out. We have a code re-" "Mr. Stark!" Peter yelped desperately. 

"Excuse me, who are you calling Mr. Stark? I thought we were past that, kid!" Tony interrupted. "Mr. Stark. I'm in the middle of class, and you're on speaker, so please watch what you say, it wasn't my choice," Peter rambled quickly.

"Who is this, Peter?" Mr. Allen asked, eyes narrowed. "Um- like I said, it's just my boss," He stammered out. Flash got out of his chair and grabbed the phone right out of Peter's hand. "It's labelled Mr. Stark," The boy scoffed. "Did you seriously hire someone to pretend to be Tony Stark?" Flash asked, snickering.

Peter seized his phone out of the other boy's hand, blushing furiously. "And the contact's the same? You said you'd changed that!" Tony exclaimed, momentarily diverted. "This isn't even believable," Flash called brashly. "Who did you pay to pretend to care about you?" He taunted.

Mr. Allen was watching this develop. 

Like Peter had said, he was an asshole.

"Excuse me?" Tony demanded, protective rage entering his voice. "FRIDAY, switch to hologram mode," He instructed. A few seconds later, his face was projected out of the lenses of Peter's phone. 

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