Winter (Replacement - Part 2)

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Hey, did you guys know that you can use a plum to scroll through your phone? Kinda like a stylus? Well, I discovered that today!

Yes, like a legitimate plum. The fruit.

Don't ask how.

They had their touching moment, but a sharp clearing of the throat interrupted. "Oh!" Natasha exclaimed, looking back at Peter's classmates. "Ha... I had forgotten they were here," Tony said awkwardly.

Natasha looked over toward them. "Okay, what the fuck?" Flash yelled from the crowd. Peter facepalmed. Of course he would choose now to speak up. Of course. "Can someone explain what's going on?" Cindy asked, looking between Peter and the Avengers in confusion. Clint started laughing, but at a glare from Peter, it turned into a bout of coughing.

"Right," Tony said, putting on his sunglasses. "You guys say nothing of this. Nothing. I will have my lawyers at your doorstep, and I'll scrub the Internet, and it will not end well for you. Sounds good?" Everyone was silent. Tony smiled calmly. "Good. Bye, now. Peter, you stay!" Peter looked toward the ground, slightly uncomfortable. "Y-yeah, ok," He stammered. Natasha called Happy, and he took the kids back to the school.

Peter looked up at Tony and the rest of the Avengers, feeling more at home than he had in weeks.


But it was foolish. HYDRA does not give up so easily.

"Initiate the second plan?" The man asked his boss, one week after Joshua's failure.

A slow smile spread over the boss' face. "Ah, yes, we shall. The spider will be ours."


Peter heard a shout coming from an alley below. He immediately changed course to investigate, swinging down into the alleyway and landing with a flip. "Spider-Man," Said a man decked out in all black, with a hood and mask covering a lot of his face. "Yes?" He said warily. His Spidey Senses were blaring, stronger than he'd ever felt them. The man released a woman, who looked up at him with fear-filled eyes. Peter gestured for her to run, which she did, immediately.

"You are exactly who I was looking for," The man said.

"That's... great," Peter said skeptically. "I mean, I've been told I'm the answer to people's prayers," a complete lie, "but I'm sorry, I don't date old men. That includes you, too, Hoodie."

The mugger - now dubbed Hoodie - snorted. "I was told you would be a frustrating one. It appears they were not wrong," He said, rolling his eyes. "See, I've been told that, too! Mind telling me who, exactly, said I was frustrating?" Peter inquired. Hoodie smirked. "Oh, some people here and there. You should come quietly."

It was Peter's turn to roll his eyes. "Why? So you can take me off and do who-knows-what? I don't think so." Hoodie shook his head. "Well, that's your loss, then," He stated.

Peter's Spidey Senses went off, and he ducked a punch coming for his face. "Wow! We were having a polite conversation!" He exclaimed. Hoodie simply laughed, before pulling out a taser. "Oh shi- ahem, shiitake mushrooms! We're getting real here, I see!" His senses alerted him again, and he dodged the two coils that shot out from the end of the weapon. "Dude! Didn't your mom ever tell you not to play with that type of thing?" Peter asked.

There was a quiet whistling sound in the air, accompanied by the increasing of his Spidey Senses, and Peter realized someone else was there, shooting something at him. He quickly planned out a route of escape, but heard other, similar sounds. Darts. Probably laced with some kind of poison. Peter tried to calculate a way out, but only managed to get past two before there was a sharp stinging in the side of his neck.

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