What Could Have Been

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Alternate title: A Trip Down Memory Lane

Endgame Fix-It

Laura Barton doesn't exist, neither do the kids. Clint went all emo murderer because he lost his makeshift kids (Wanda and Pietro - who's now back and alive, you're welcome)

Morgan doesn't exist in this one, sorry XD, maybe in a later oneshot.

May's dead. I'm sorry. This is the first time I've ever killed her off in a oneshot, and it sucks, but I need it for plot convenience soo....

ya know, oops.

This is going to be very, very interesting :D

Angst and then fluff :D

Peter's POV

Peter saw Tony on the battlefield, and when the moment came, and he saw the look in the man's eyes, he knew exactly what was going to happen.

With a panicked glance around him, Peter flung himself away from the fighting and toward his mentor, hoping, praying that he would get there in time.

Peter shot his webs out, letting them hook onto a small rock structure, and he swung faster than he ever had in his life.

Beams of light were ravaging the side of his mentor, and Peter could not let that happen.

By the time his feet hit the churned-up ground, he was already at Tony's side, grabbing onto the man, clinging to him.

He allowed his share of the pain to come through to him. Anything to help him. Anything.

Tony had already begun to snap when he realized that Peter was there, but it was too late. When the fingers of the Iron Gauntlet came together, the older man's eyes were filled with terror.

Now that the moment was over, the adrenaline dying down, Peter realized just how badly it hurt. It felt like the dusting all over again - all the molecules and atoms of his body stretching, trying to tear itself apart.

But still he held onto Tony, trying to take more of the damage, seizing the Iron Gauntlet and desperately trying to stop the flow of energy to his mentor.

Please let him be okay, please, please. I need him to live.

He took more of the pain than Tony, because there was no way Peter was going to just stand there and let his father figure die in front of his eyes, again.

"Peter..." Tony gasped out through the pain. Peter raised his eyes to meet his, and whispered a small "I'm sorry."

But then it was over, and Peter was flung backward as darkness consumed his vision.

Tony's POV

When the Infinity Stones were in his hands, he knew exactly what he had to do.

Ignoring the pain surging through his body, he knew.

Raising his hand to erase Thanos and his army, permanently.

"I am inevitable," The Mad Titan had said, smirking.

Tony opened his mouth to deliver the one line he had to. The one thing everyone needed to know, his lasting legacy on the Earth, the phrase that had been a part of him since getting up on that stage during the press conference after his battle with Obadiah Stane.

"And I... am... Iron Man-"

The last word came out a bit strangled as a weight crashed into him.

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